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Everything posted by peskypete

  1. peskypete

    Can I get a webserver hit?

    Is the small video screen dark? Or the whole screen? I don't know how dark it was outside at 6:00am but it could be that. I'm on PST. Thanks Pete
  2. peskypete

    Can I get a webserver hit?

    Right on! Many thanks... Pete
  3. peskypete

    Can I get a webserver hit?

    Thanks - testing finished
  4. peskypete

    Can I get a webserver hit?

    Thanks. Maybe I need TCP server enabled? Try again? Oh, I guess I needed to enable something in the firewall. Hopefully, that fixed it. Edit: Got it working now (Of course. it's dark out)!
  5. peskypete

    CMS Question

    Well, after a lot of research (yes, I found out just before your reply that CC is a seperate add-on package), I realized that I don't have 'Remote Desktop' avail for WinXP for Home. It's only avail. on the Professional copy. So I ended up using UltraVNC which works great. Thanks. Pete
  6. peskypete

    CMS Question

    Is this program the only way to access the DVR settings from another computer on a network? I would like to change things like ptz presets, motion detection settings etc. from a different computer on my network. I tried running the 'CentreV2' (CMS) program, but couldn't get it to work. Reading the manual suggests I would need a dongle anyway? Can someone confirm this? Thanks Pete Wow - talking to myself a lot! I got CentreV2 finally running - needed to enable it from the host duh! Trying to see if I can change the settings, now that I can access the video Nah. Can't access the controls for resetting PTZ presets or motion detection. Anyone know if it's possible to adjust these 'offsite' please? Pete
  7. peskypete

    CMS Question

    Thanks for the reply. How do I go about setting that up? I have "Control Center" running on the host (I guess it installs that and puts it in startup when the main system is installed). Do I need to install "Control Center" on the Client? Or is the control done through "CentreV2" I would like to 'mimic' the host view, so I'm assuming that this is better than using 'Remote Desktop'. Thanks! Pete Oh - I just read the CMS maual and it says I need to install the Control Center from the CMS CD. Well, I have one DVD disk that doesn't have that on it. My choices are: GeoVision Main System, RemoteView, IP Multicast, CentreV2, Backup & Restore, LocalIDDNS, Authentication Server, Dybanic DNS, Remote Playback Client, & PDA Viewer. But no Conrol Centre. Am I missing a disk?? Pete
  8. So I map the GV800 directory, from the host computer. It shows up in Windows Explorer and I can see dirs. etc. I then make a shortcut of the mapped directory to my desktop. Expecting Windows Explorer to just open up when I click it. Instead, I get EZViewLog! What is up with that?? I've got other mapped drives that just open up properly. Checked Properties etc. and nothing strange there. Is this a weird bug?
  9. peskypete

    Trying to view my feed on a lan

    Trying to view over a LAN. The host has got WEBCAM enabled on the cofig page, but I get no video when I access the computer from another on my network. The manual also goes into setting WEBCAM settings by referring to WEBCAM settings under the Network tab - don't show up on V8.2, just mave TCP and Multicast settings there - confused! http://www.members.shaw.ca/soccer/
  10. peskypete

    Trying to view my feed on a lan

    So I enabled jpeg in teh webcam settings and now when I log in from the other computer, I am able to see one camera - woot! However.... I have TWO. Selecting Mpeg Encoder Viewer seems to be the prolem here. I'm suspecting I need to install an activeX or local program to view using mpeg. When I select the Download button, the top item only shows an Icon and 'Codec' under the Name tab. Ok! Found the solution! I guess I downloaded the ActiveX control successfully, but I needed to go to IE options and enable it from there - it was listed in the 'Disabled ActiveX' section. Now we're cookin'!!
  11. peskypete

    Trying to view my feed on a lan

    Ok, finally found a help pdf on the Geovision site, so the Webserver should be set up properly now. I still don't see anything locally, when I plug in the local address ( I get the log in screen, then I get the same screen as the link shows. I have the ports opened up and verified. Maybe I cannot access locally? Can someone try for me please? If anyone knows whether you can access on a lan, please let me know! Cheers Pete
  12. peskypete

    How to check original GV

    Thanks for this useful information Brankorackovic. One thing I wanted, was to buy an original, used GV product, and I think I finally got it. It is in the mail and yes, I bought it off ebay. The folks at Geovision were great at responding to my questions and were able to verify that the card was legit. from the barcode info. Of course, fake cards may use a genuine barcode number (who knows?), So maybe it's not 100%. To be sure, you have to go through a reputable dealer, but I wanted a deal, so I'm taking my chances. I paid $200 for the GV-800, which I think is a deal if the card is a newer one (seller stated that warranty was still valid). The reason for sale seemed good too - "pulled for a replacment 8 channel card". I have a question about this Dongle I hear about. Is this for a particular hardware or software product from Geovision? If so, which one? Thanks! I'll keep y'all posted when I get and install the card and do a software verification. I'm looking forward to using a quality product. PS. I'm assuming a Sony EVI-D30/31 camera is supported, since it uses the same visca interface as the D100 - right? Pete.
  13. peskypete

    Anyone recognize this GV-800?

    Hi, Does anyone recognize this card: It is supposed to be a GV-800, but all pictures on websites show a different picture of the card. Wondering if this is a newer or older version of the GV-800. Thanks for any input one can provide. Pete www(dot)members(dot)shaw(dot)ca/soccer/ (One day I'll be up to 5 posts... )
  14. peskypete

    Anyone recognize this GV-800?

    Alright! I can post the link now: http://www.members.shaw.ca/soccer/
  15. peskypete

    Anyone recognize this GV-800?

    Sorry, Still can't post a link...
  16. peskypete

    Anyone recognize this GV-800?

    Ok bumping just so I can reach 5 posts...
  17. I want to purchase something that is legit, either an Avermedia or Geovision product. I'm leaning toward the MP5000, that is listed here: www(dot)ipmart(dot)com/main/product/AverMedia,MP5000,DVR,Card,35580.php?prod=35580 or the Geovision GV-600 listed here: www(dot)ipmart(dot)com/main/product/GeoVision,GV600,DVR,Card,35424.php?prod=35424 But I don't want to end up with something that is not OEM. The prices are great but, is it "too good to be true?" Will the software be upgradeable if it's a buggy version? Anyone from Geovision or Avermedia here care to comment please? Pesky
  18. I want to purchase something that is legit, either an Avermedia or Geovision product. (Re-posted here to try to reach a more responsive audience). I'm leaning toward the MP5000, that is listed here: www(dot)ipmart(dot)com/main/product/AverMedia,MP5000,DVR,Card,35580.php?prod=35580 or the Geovision GV-600 listed here: www(dot)ipmart(dot)com/main/product/GeoVision,GV600,DVR,Card,35424.php?prod=35424 But I don't want to end up with something that is not OEM. The prices are great but, is it "too good to be true?" Will the software be upgradeable if it's a buggy version? Anyone from Geovision or Avermedia here care to comment please? Pesky
  19. peskypete

    Are the products from I-Pmart Legit?

    Does ANYONE know about the legitimacy of IPMART please?