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  1. Dumah.Mx

    Need Help DVR Hikvision DS-8000HCI-S

    After couple of hours on hold Syscom's answer was "update firmware" then hang up. I'll give it a try honestly at this point i could do anything to solve this huge problem to me.
  2. Dumah.Mx

    Need Help DVR Hikvision DS-8000HCI-S

    On the phone with syscom tech support at the moment, i'm on hold hope not for several hours, lol. Any other suggestions, tips? Again thanks for the replies
  3. Dumah.Mx

    Need Help DVR Hikvision DS-8000HCI-S

    Hundreds of mails with no answers to hik support site and the DVR were acquire by the high shool in a (mmmm i dont know the word in english) kind of a contest with many providers and the winner gave us that brand. Thanks for the reply
  4. Hi there, I hope you guys/gals are ok when read this. I'm so new at this and i'll need some serious help if it's possible. I've acquire 3 DVR's Hikvision Model DS-8000HCI-S and 48 cameras to monitoring a high school. I didn't have any problems with the installation process and got perfect audio y video when i saw the monitors, everything was happiness and joy until i want to see them remotely. So basically i have 3 problems. 1.- When I connect to the DVR via LAN i have access to all cameras and files but no video just audio, it display a message that says "Haven't connect with server" and all display frames had a Pink color, i attached a jpeg name "DVR client" or "Image 1" but i'll repeat have access to all cameras and files with audio and even if i made a change in the configuration via LAN the DVR registered those changes. First i think it was a codec problem 2.- Can't access the DVR remotely by internet, honestly i read the whole user manual over and over and just can't get it. The DVR is connected directly to the adsl modem 2Wire Model 2701HG-T 3.- At last but not least, when i burn a segment of a video directly from the DVR to a DVD-R or a CD-R same as problem #1 got audio but video dislpay green, attached jpeg named "Backup burned screen example" or "Image 2" All the test were made on 2 computers one desktop with windows xp sp2 and one laptop with windos vista home edition. Any ideas, hints, tips???? Please please help me I'm desperated and frustrated 'cause i'm a newbie Thanks for sharing your knowledge,Thanks for all the help and most important Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Regards!!!!!