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Everything posted by ClosedCircuitCom

  1. i sold an Aventura DVR system to a customer a little over a year ago and i recently started to have hardware problems with the a 8 channel card only showing 4 channels. i have contacted Aventura to resolve the problem and they state that they want $495 just to talk to me!! they dont offer any way to repair the card or troubleshoot thier own product unless you pay them this $495 fee. for a year of tech support. looks like i will never be using aventura DVR again. any manufacturer would at the very least talk to thier customers to resolve the problem. The tech support was never really any good to begin with it would usually take weeks for them to respond and i have been trying to get the iPhone software to work for over a year and have called many many times, i have also had my customer call and aventura gives no response. what a great company, thank you Aventura.
  2. ClosedCircuitCom

    Pos-Watch,anybody dealt with?

    pos-watch.com the product is awesomei love selling it good quality its the only stand alone dvr i sell
  3. i am missing channels 1-4, thanks for your help
  4. ClosedCircuitCom

    Santa's coming !

    nothing special looks like the camera hasa moving mechanical lense so getting that quality in playback is probably impossible im putting a 16mp avigilon camera on my xmas list
  5. ClosedCircuitCom

    New Plug n Play IP Camera Design

    same as specos inpro
  6. i am quoting out a hybrid system with the following parts 3-Analog CCTV cameras 1-ACM3411 Acti 1.3 MP camera 2-AV5100ai Arecont 5mp camera now i need help with the recorder, i was thinking about using geovision but they dont support arecont's 5mp camera
  7. i am looking for a software that will record on voice leave a time and date stamp and also be able to stream live audio. this is only for a single microphone input.
  8. ClosedCircuitCom

    looking to buy Avermedia SA6216E

    i am looking for a new Avermedia SA6216E, anyone still have one of these?
  9. ClosedCircuitCom

    Megapixel Smegapixel!!!!

    i happily sell and install avigilon only one word can explain their product AWESOME!
  10. ClosedCircuitCom

    Hybrid System suggestions

    i tried to get a hold of NUUO to get pricing but it is very difficult considering they work out of taiwan and i am in the USA
  11. ClosedCircuitCom

    Very dissatisfied with DiVis...

    i highly doubt your pc setup is capable of handling the divis card. always stick with intel when building dvrs also 512 ram is too low at least a gig is needed. what type of video card are you using?, chancei suggests any 128mb ati card
  12. ClosedCircuitCom

    Divis card problem

    sounds like you have an incompatible video card. try using an ATI video card
  13. ClosedCircuitCom


    whats left? how much for the lot?
  14. ClosedCircuitCom

    Geo Hardware vs Software based quality?

    id like to hear some info on this also, ive never had too much of a problem with system resources with a geo system built properly. so i dont really see an advantage unless the quality really is better.
  15. ClosedCircuitCom

    Looking for H.264 DVR, any suggestion

    aventura has unparalleled picture quality compared to all other h.264 dvr's i have seen even at cif.
  16. ClosedCircuitCom

    Ceiling Install

    i use drywall screws
  17. ClosedCircuitCom

    Ceiling Install

    i like to use a 2x4 piece of wood or thinner to go from bar to bar and then screw the camera into the piece of wood thru the tile
  18. ClosedCircuitCom

    Home cctv with pc

    dlink network cameras are priced pretty good and they also have wireless versions of all thier cameras, i am a direct with dlink you can pm or email me for more information i will be glad to help
  19. ClosedCircuitCom

    1/4" vs 1/2" lenses

    ikegami continues to produce cameras with a 1/2 ccd and continues to build on them
  20. ClosedCircuitCom

    Geovision compatible with Asus P4T-E?

    yes it will work a 4 cam system can go on pretty much anything i have ran them on celeron processors
  21. ClosedCircuitCom

    Geo Megapixel

    does anyone know the suggested retail price of the geovision megapixel license, does it come in packs or is it per camera. i am putting together a hybrid system with two 1.3 megapixel cameras and 2 analog anyone know what specs i should be looking at for the pc?
  22. ClosedCircuitCom

    1/4" vs 1/2" lenses

    the larger the imager the better picture you will get
  23. ClosedCircuitCom

    Speco cvc-7705dnv camera

    most all my installs have speco cameras great price and great quality
  24. ClosedCircuitCom


    i am a avigilon reseller where are you located?