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  1. AlienIntelligence

    High Heat Install! Arizona! It's Summer!

    Ok, well those are two good suggested solutions. When the monsoon hits, I definitely am going to explore the PVC housing solution. I am concerned with current draw when adding TEC. I will then have Camera + Audio + TEC. If I add a blower and/or heater... I will soon have some real watts being pulled. I'd still like to hear stories success or otherwise with high temp installs. Anyone else? Rooney and I can't be the only ones living in hades =) thanks! -Marc
  2. AlienIntelligence


    So, I really hate the, "Please stand and introduce yourself" thing, and I'm the one that usually refuses to do it if you're ever in a meeting with me. But... after the meeting, you will have understood why. Now, the internet doesn't afford such luxury, so: =Standing= Hi, I'm Marc. Been in the computer 'scene' since 78. And I have been involved in Home Automation and Security for over a decade. I have used the CCTV Forum in the past to check, double-check or look up an idea or question and today I appear to have been stumped in finding an answer. So, I joined up to ask... and I guess I'm all committed now, two way communication and all that =) Hope someone has an answer out there for me. My question I posted: Oh yah, I'm a noob, can't put in a link... it is post 82972 -Marc
  3. AlienIntelligence

    High Heat Install! Arizona! It's Summer!

    Ok, so I did a good amount of googling to make sure I'm not asking a question that has been asked ad nauseam and I have only seen it asked once before and not really answered. The post was from '05 and the guy was needing cameras for a "mine in West Australia (hot 55c+)" Since I just joined the forum, I cannot simply PM the author of the thread and ask how it worked out. Now, 3 years later, maybe someone has some experience in the subject of high heat installs? I'm not new to cameras but... WOW... I'm new to these ambient temperatures. So, most cameras spec at 50deg C. And even as hot as it gets here in Arizona, I haven't seen above 48.5C in any inhabited desert areas. Ambient. I had the forethought to hit a few potential areas for best camera positions with a IR thermometer and the surfaces were very shy of 50C. Less than a half deg C from 50. The install positions will never have sun after 7am in the AM and the PM sun, never before 6pm, late/early summer and no sun mid summer. So, directed sun heating isn't a concern but the reradiated heat from the surrounding, (a good, deep soffit). Oh, and until mid July and August I am not concerned in the least about rain. -=) So, solutions can be seasonal in nature. Success stories? Horror stories? Anyone? thanks in advance, -Marc