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  1. btlfan64

    Need 150-200ft camera in very dark area

    We have spoken to the kids and some parents yet the kids still come onto the property after repeated times telling them not to. We had our attorney send a demand letter to one of the parents, all that got us was more by proxy...in other words they get their friends to hop onto the yard since they can't do it or they purposely play across from our property and kick a ball back and forth until it "accidently" comes into the yard then they run in and get it, I come out tell them to go somewhere else to play and the very next day the little cretins are back again. It is nothing more than harrassment. My lawyer has a suit ready to go all I'm doing is trying to track the kids to houses do a property search to get names and then file for an injunction then they'll be in violation of the writ and the cops won't have any other choice but to enforce the court order. Now the question is will they obey the court order. Probably not which will land them in jail or at least in contempt of court which won't be any fun I'm sure. I have two IR illuminators on order and will try them out this weekend...if they work I'll keep them, if not back they go and I'll try a different brand...this could have all been stopped by the cops, the HOA, and the parents but they are all what I call libratards, they believe that kids can go and do what they want. I have an idea of who the vandals were if it wasn't the adults...funny that this happened at 1:00am and was cleaned up by 7:00am and the entire neighborhood knew about it including a kid that didn't even live in the neighborhood....I believe this was organized neighborhood vigilanteeism...I'd move but it would be very difficult to sell since we've had homes in the area for sale for almost a year...I'd have to rent this place then rent another....if this continues that prospect is looking more and more attractive by the day....
  2. btlfan64

    Need 150-200ft camera in very dark area

    I have one in my garage window. I tried putting one in my yard but my HOA ordered me to remove it...luckily they have ignored the one in the garage window which faces the street and can be seen by anyone walking by but that hasn't deterred them to day...I like the idea of taking it to the state attorney general...I'll look into that tomorrow...I might even send the local news organizations the link to the videos and let them see the girl giving us the finger...
  3. btlfan64

    Need 150-200ft camera in very dark area

    If only, the police and the city attorney have refused to do a darn thing. The city attorney in his infinite wisdom said there was not "intent" and has refused to prosecute kids at all....If he or the mayor come up for re-election, I will actively work against their re-election!! Unbelieveable what our country and the kids are turning into these days....no consequence for their actions...I had some kid on the property the day after the egg incident and was berated by the lady she was visiting. I filed a trespass on her for refusal to leave the property. Still waiting to see if the city attorney does anything about her since she is an adult and refused to leave my property until I walked out with the phone asking for the police to show up...when they arrived they questioned me why I didn't want kids on my property....like I'm the criminal....geeze...it's private property and should they be injured on my property my homeowners insure will pay and my rates will go through the roof...gee officer, do your darn job and take the report.....arg.... still need to get the blaster I guess....
  4. btlfan64

    Need 150-200ft camera in very dark area

    local supplier refused to sell to me because I wasn't a company...oh well guess I'm on the hunt on the internet for a different illuminator...I need 2 quickly....
  5. I had some vandalism the other night (eggs) that were thrown from across the street from 2 separate locations about 100 ft from my house. My current cameras unfortunately did not catch who did it (too dark) but did nicely catch the direction the eggs came from so I've pinned it down to two neighbors yards.. http://s380.photobucket.com/albums/oo249/justme64_photos/ eggs were on the 2nd/3rd video in the photo album...look carefully at 00:59:12 on both vids...upper left hand corners... I am in need of a wide angle camera that can see at least 100ft in very dark conditions so I'm assuming that an IR/IR illuminator cam would be appropriate. I have about a $350 budget for it...any suggestions...B/W is fine, I'm just trying to id the vandals (adults and/or kids). I need to get this ASAP...Thanks for any help you experts can be....
  6. btlfan64

    IR Illuminator

    Any recommendations on an illuminator? I need one for a b/w camera covering an area about 15x40 that is dimly lit. Have about a $200-$300 budget. Thanks for any help you can provide!
  7. I'm using video tape (haven't found a dvr system as yet..still researching) so the amount of recording is irrelevant as it's recording everything. I just want it to pick up movement down even a cat or dog.
  8. I have a SVAT Quad unit that I'm trying to adjust for motion sensing. I've got the areas down pretty good but how should I set the sensitivity? Should I set the numbers lower or higher? Thanks!
  9. btlfan64

    Need camera for a dark open area

    I have the luxury (no pun intended) of having a halogen street light in my yard that covers my front yard (good thing the bedrooms are in the back of the house..lol) so no IR illuminator is needed. I want to cover part of the area from a different angle by the side of my house so if the neighbor decides to pull her childish vandalism again I can leave no doubt that it is her. That area is a bit darker and may require an illuminator.
  10. btlfan64

    Need camera for a dark open area

    I got it at a local PI supply store. It's a Sony EX-View 600LOR .0003Lux Model KPC-EX230HL At least that's what's on the label on the box...I've seen it on other web sites with different specs... some say 420 lines with a .003 lux I've found it as low as $86....does not come with a power supply or cable though.
  11. I need a camera that will do well in the dark for an area next to my house...I need it to cover an area 42Lx15w. There is some light from a street light but it's about 50 foot away. Any suggestions? I also need it to be fairly stealthy. The area I'm trying to capture other that the tree in my yard is the area between my tree and the neighbors tree...caught her vandalizing the yard once and sure she'll do it again... I've also thought about moving one of the cams I have zoomed in and using an IR illuminator for the area. Any help would be greatly appreciated...looking to spend under $200 if possible....