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Everything posted by Micah_J

  1. Hello CCTV People, Hopefully this one has been solved before... my Sentinel CCTV model SC21FD3044 DVR has developed a disk drive power issue. The +12V supply has risen to +19 and the +5 supply has dropped to 1.9V. So now it is eating drives... The people at Sentinel/Lorex are not too helpful since my unit is no longer under warranty. They want me to send the 70+ pound DVR/monitor asross the country for repair. This is a very common failure that kills these units after a couple years of use. Can anyone point me toward the offending component(s) so I can get my power back into spec? Thanks so much! Mike
  2. Nope. I was sure that someone would have figured this one out since Sentinel and Lorex sold tons of these. If you have any ideas please let me know. I would really appreciate it! Mike