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  1. Hi folks, I've a DVR (AVTech 787) installed at my office. It worked fine for 3 months but currently I'm facing a technical issue. Tried hard but still couldn't get a solution. Well, the problem is that my card is not displaying camera plugged at 14th port while others are working fine. But, when I plugged it out the slideshow of other cam does not work properly. Sometimes it displays 12th cam instead of 3rd and sometimes 5th instead of 7th. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Many Thanks, Sup3R_B0Y
  2. Sup3R_B0Y

    Avtech avc785 8ch

    Sir thank you very much, problem solved with your help!
  3. Sup3R_B0Y

    Avtech avc785 8ch

    thanks for giving your time, manual hav no information about this prob but i'll try your trick to find out the problem. thank you so much
  4. Sup3R_B0Y

    Avtech avc785 8ch

    hello everyone, can anyone please let me know how can i change video system format ntsc to pal for my avtech avc785 dvr? tell me asap! thanks