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Everything posted by scottj

  1. scottj

    siren alarm speaker outside to scare them away

    Using Collins configuration recommendation would be the easiest, although consider adding perimeter beams that trip the audible prior to the Geo system. Even some really quality Motion Detectors that can be tweaked to create a invisible perimeter would work. Once it trips then the audible sounds. If you use the schedule, just use the I/O schedule for this created event pattern so that it can be controlled by business hours unless the customer wishes it to run 24/7. If you used just motion detection without added input devices it will sound like a Kennel. Scottj
  2. scottj

    Playing Back Multiple DVR Systems Logs

    Purchase Control Center (dongle) and you can import selected cameras from multiple IP locations (DVR at each location) into a single database for viewing the Audio/Video files exactly as you wish. For example if you wanted just the front lot camera from each location to be classified as a folder, you can pull just those database files into Control Center for easy access and viewing without the headaches of RPB. Scottj
  3. scottj

    problems with picture resolution on GV-650

    get rid of the onboard graphics
  4. The BIOS "Full ON" setting will work fine if the power is lost for a period of 3 or more seconds (depending on your power supply discharge timing). Typically a brown out poer loss is just for a fraction of a second, so the power supply in the DVR does not have enough power loss time to discharge the capacitor inside, thus it will not restart automatically. The eliminate these potential losses during a brown out, add a small UPS to the unit and you wil be fine. Scottj
  5. scottj

    All Geo Software versions and features

    See the Version History section on the Geo website. Scottj
  6. scottj

    Geovison POS Integration

    Connecting various POS systems to the Geo unit is not quite as easy and elementary as Geo makes it seem. First of all, many systems are not directly supported, especially when using the GV-Capture modules. The problem is that many POS systems do not disclose their own pin-out for capturing/intercepting the text data, nor the format for which the text is in. You can pretty much bet that if the POS system is using an Epson printer, it will be supported though. Scottj
  7. scottj

    Geo Keyboard

    Yes the GV-Keyboard comes with it's own power supply, or it can be used via USB connection to the DVR. It strictly depends on how you wish to connect it and where it will be located in reference to the DVR. As for pricing, you will want to contact a local dealer. Scottj
  8. scottj

    GeoVision Tutorial

    Have them use the User's Manual that comes with the CD. Scott
  9. You either need a GPRS modem, or you can use one of many services on the web which will do the same thing. Some people setup the DVR to alert through email, then everytime an email alert is triggered it will notify the 3rd party service provider to forward a Short Message to your mobile phone. Do a search on Google and you should find these. I think www.ipipi.com is one. The GPRS modems are not cheap, and a little overkill for a small deployment. You see them more on a large corporate scale typically. Scottj
  10. You need to setup an SMS server in order to use that function. Scottj
  11. scottj

    GeoVision Linux Drivers

    No Linux
  12. Your VGA card only supports up to DirectX 8.1 for starters, the combo cards work significantly better using 9.0. Another scenerio is when using the combo card with version 8.0 and enabling the DSP Spot Monitor the DirectDraw Overlay is disabled at the DVR display. In otherwords, you will see a much lower quality image at the DVR through the VGA/DVI monitor. I would highly recommend using an ATI 9250 or better since you are using AGP type VGA cards in your system. Go the the ATI website and download the latest Catalyst Control Center drivers and configure the De-Interlace Rendering option to be set for "Automatic" versus "Weave". You will see a huge improvement. Scottj
  13. scottj

    Cyber dome

    Look at the KTD-312 module. Scottj
  14. scottj

    Severe weather

    just a little wind and rain, nothing to worry about. The areas that were smashed up pretty good were the trailer parks, and the rule of thumb is that storms like trailer parks. Scottj
  15. scottj

    Remote webcam unusual error Geovision 7.0.5

    try removing the OCX downloaded files from the Windows directory along with the registry entry for the DMMultiview files. Reboot your PC and then try logging in again. Scottj
  16. scottj

    Best place to get these camera's.

    A $7.00 Chinese made housing with one year warranty. The warranty means very little, you will be hard pressed to find a person willing to pay freight for a $7.00 component for a warrantly replacement. Then again there may actually be people that are willing to do that Scottj
  17. scottj

    Best place to get these camera's.

    A $7.00 Chinese made housing will last approx. .....um well, 7 days outside. You get what you pay for guys, buy something a little more reputable that offers "quality", a term often overlooked by cost. Scottj
  18. scottj

    Demo a Geo..

    You can creat your own virtual demo if you have the software to do so. I may have a copy somewhere and if I do I will shoot you a link. Scottj
  19. scottj

    Demo a Geo..

  20. scottj

    Geovision ver 8.0

    who actually needs a manual these days? Come on Troy, just start clicking until it works the way you think it should. Scottj
  21. scottj

    What PC's are you using for your Geo Systems?

    and don't forget warranty..... Scottj
  22. scottj

    What PC's are you using for your Geo Systems?

    I can certainly agree with you Thomas regarding the higher end server line. I basically was talking about the low cost "$499.99" home desktop PC's they advertise that many people think will instantly become a DVR by just tossing a PCI board in it and loading some software. What I have a difficult time understanding are those "companies" or "ebayers" that use these types of machines mentioned and do exactly just that...slap a board in and add a couple bucks to the cost for a little profit. These companies are only hurting their own profitability, especially when it devaluates the market for a PC based recording system. It happens in all industry sure, but why would anyone do that??? I don't know about most of you guys in here, but I am in business to make money not just for the practice. Scottj
  23. scottj

    Geovision ver 8.0

    Interesting, we haven't noticed anything remotely like this and have had 7.1 Beta for months running...strange indeed. I will have to check into that. Version 8.0 doesn't impress me too much, we will stick to the modified 7.04 with new drivers until it has ran flawlessly for at least 4 months on a few machines.
  24. scottj

    Geovision ver 8.0

    reflashed the firmware? Do you mean just installed a new device driver? Scottj
  25. scottj

    What PC's are you using for your Geo Systems?

    The problem with using a Dell or similiar setup is when the system fails, who wants to warranty a Dell machine? Hell, unless you like calling India even they don't. Scottj