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Everything posted by scottj

  1. scottj

    CQOne DVR

    He has the older version Shay, I can't remember which one it was, it is probably the one you have as well. I may have the V3.3.00, I am looking for it. We asked for modifications and I was sent a link saying some "bugs" were fixed so I have to check it out and see. Send me an email and I will post you a link if I have it so you can download it and play around with it. Scottj
  2. scottj

    Computer to DVR?

    Put a router inline and then you can see the standalone on your PC if it suports network function and you can assign it a router IP address. Scottj
  3. scottj

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    Ok, I understand completely. If you use a Multi-Hominf router you can just add the second network to it and map the Geo exclusively to use that and stay off the other network that is lagging. That would be a simple and low cost fix for the issue, and still only requires a single NIC in the Geo unit. Scottj
  4. scottj

    Geovision & Modem Access

    Yep we use that term often, sometimes we even modify to be even more specific if needed...haha Well, if you need some technical documentaion for setting up various modem connections let me know, I can send you links to download the PDF's from our FTP site. We have lots of information for various connectivity issues regarding the Geo systems and its feature/function capability. Oh and by the way, our documents are in clear English, not straight from Taiwan and lost in translation. Scottj
  5. scottj

    wow! what a difference in cameras!

    what doesnt these days?
  6. scottj

    Geovision & Modem Access

    Yeah I can understand that, as we have run into that situation before. We just tell the customer that Modem connection for video feed is not possible...period. If they complain, then we ask them "What did you do before Satellite TV was available when you couldn't get cable TV??" Sometimes things are just beyond our control. If we all could control DSL/Cable availability, we wouldn't be here in a forum talking about this, we would be on a private island sipping Mai Tai's while being fanned with coconut leaves by the Tropicana Swimsuit Team. Scottj
  7. scottj

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    So I take it that the customer has multiple networks then in house? Because if not, what good would adding an additional connection do? I may be a little confused on this, so bear with me as I am trying to visualize the installation in my head. It sounds to me though based on your last comment that the problem is not yours, rather it is the customers inferior or problematic network? Scottj
  8. scottj

    Geovision & Modem Access

    We have used the Best Data (SupraMax V.92 External Serial Modem) with success as well for modem to modem connections, as well as hotline/alert conditions. Modem to modem is terrible for video related applications, but works for the text log information fine. Overall, if the customer can afford the DVR and the remote applications are of any importance to them, then they can find the extra 50 bucks a month for broadband. It is like buying a Mercedes and then complaining about gas prices increasing by a dime per gallon, just makes no logical sense. Scottj
  9. It is just as easy to disable it to prevent people from playing on the DVR. This entire "CPU Usage" concern is blown out of proportion in my opinion. The cost of CPU resources is minimal when you look at the big picture of any security project outside of a residential application where the user wants to utilize the machine to play games.com etc. Scottj
  10. scottj

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    I just don't see how you can be experiencing a bottleneck CCTVDude. We have a banking customer who uses a 16 channel real time machine at each one of their 9 locations. They have a ATM Fiber network set at OC-3 (155Mbps) from point to point, or location to location that they use for their private network between each branch. The IT Administrator set the DVR equipment up to only be allowed 6Mbps point to point. The Branch Manager at each office is able to view any of the facilities cameras remotely and localy on this network and they leave it up and running in their office generally al day long. Each facility is also linked to a CenterV2 server that is offsite and ALL the video feed is stored remotely in a secure data center facility for long term archiving. The bottonline is that they are able to have multiple managers logged into the systems in addition to backhauling al the recorded video for remote storage across 6Mbps with no notice of degraded service for their banking operations. Even the IT person was surprised that in effect only about 4Mbps was needed to remotely transfer the video for storage. The additional allocated bandwidth for each point to point connection was allocated for the branch manger to have live feed pumped into their office so that the DVR could remain in their secure server room back through one of the vaults. Scottj
  11. scottj

    clinton dvrs

    I can supply a Clinton all the fat chicks and black dresses they want if we can have the gas prices back the way they were, oh and a deficit of about one third the amount. I would like to be able to drive my Hummer again without having to charge 100 bucks to pump gas in it every 4 days. Rather ironic how the two different forms of a Hummer have so much control over each other isn't it?
  12. scottj

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    No the Geo doesn't need that much bandwidth. It has built in simple bandwidth management, but if it is not used the system will try and own your network. We have never had an issue on a LAN, 100MB is a massive amount to share without any problem if it is configured with routers and switches that do not cause the congestion themselves. CCTVDude, Have you tried setting a maximum bandwidth limit allowed per user in the Geo Web Server settings? If you leave it at default the system will just try and own any bandwidth you feed it. Give it a setting of 784K and then test it out. The individuals who wish to see the live video for hours at a time will not notice a difference in the quality, but you will see that the network is not burdend by the DVR any longer. Give it a try and give us some feedback and your opinion. Scottj
  13. Jasper needs an OEM installation and just transfer an image of the new build onto the system...30 minutes tops and you are done, no need to spend much time on it, you can compile all the latest drivers needed for your system into the image. Scottj
  14. Catherine, You may need to adjust your video attributes (brightness, contrast, etc) to eliminate the pixel issue. If you are using a Kodicom or GeoVision board this is most likely the cause. Setting the brightness or contrast too low we can simulate the exact problem. A combination of the camera you are using plays a large role in this problem. Give it a try and let me know. Scottj
  15. Allen, Download VNC and put it on the network and I can log into your box and try and help you out, that is if you do not mind. I have done this with others on the forum, so you can feel comfortable. www.realvnc.com Scottj
  16. scottj

    all cameras dim on GV800

    great thank you, I will try and assist you if I can. Scottj
  17. scottj

    Help With Geovision POS

    give me a little time to check into this, may not have an answer till Monday, but I will try. Scottj
  18. scottj

    Help With Geovision POS

    Send me a link for the sotware, we need to look and see if in fact it can be supported. There may need to be an .ini. file compiled for the settings that will allow the Catapult to release the raw text data through RS232/RS485 communication port. Scottj
  19. There is nothing on the market that will accomodate the request. Thomas's concept is about as universal as you can get. Scottj
  20. scottj

    Help With Geovision POS

    What POS system are you trying to integrate? Gilbarco, Ruby? I can probably help you and link you to visual technical documentation that even Geo doesn't have. Scottj
  21. scottj

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    I agree Thomas, the only need I see here is to keep a customer happy that claims he is an "expert". Every once in awhile you run into a person that just plain knows everything, even Moses couldn't come down from the sky and convince them otherwise. I recommend you upsell him a bunch of equipment he doesn't need and just make him at peace with himself. If anything it will pad his ego as he will think "I told ya so" in his mind. Scottj
  22. case closed.....good job guys. Scottj
  23. Contact me through PM, I can assist you. Scottj
  24. scottj

    all cameras dim on GV800

    can you supply the camer models/types, and possible post some screen shots for reference? Scottj
  25. scottj

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    Look at a Multi-homing broadband router that will utilize multiple ISP service to perform the load balancing. I know what you are trying to do now. Try this link and read about it. http://www.edimax.com/html/english/products/list-router.htm Scottj