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Everything posted by scottj

  1. Jasper, You may have made the btter choice depending on the GV series board you are using. The 7500 model the other guy uses does not support Direct X 9.0, which makes an ennormous difference when using the DSP or combo boards. If you use any ATI chipset under a 9600 with the combo boards, you will have excessive horizontal line shifts (Interlacing). The board you just bought is a very good board and you will notice a difference in video quality when dealing with 720x480 De-Interlacing. Scottj
  2. The most common documentation we supply is an A&E Specification on the system. This generally covers all the necessary requirements the system and components should meet per the customer request. Obviously you build it around what your customer wants. Scottj
  3. scottj

    Geovision GV 800V3 system freezing

    Paul, All the video data will be fragmented, that is normal. Who at GeoVision told you to defrag the drive as a means of tech support? haha Scottj
  4. scottj

    CQOne DVR

    Positive...Check your PM Scottj
  5. scottj

    CQOne DVR

    I have a few of them. The local video is good but the remote video is terrible. Prices are decent, software needs drastic work (spelling errors, misaligned pages/boxes). Overall it is very stable though. Not very featurer rich, but I think it is almost up to the high end Kodicom standards. Scottj
  6. scottj

    Automatic email alert

    http://www.mace.com/products.php?model=DVR-400RW&detail=features Is this the unit?
  7. scottj

    Automatic email alert

    Which unit are you using? Let's see your specifications (FPS, etc) that you need, maybe I can make a recommendation for a low cost unit to get this guy off your back. Customers like that are just easier to suck up the cost and be done with them..I know that feeling. Scottj
  8. scottj

    power regulator or surge protector

    $1,029.60 That's retail from Ditek online sales, don't let that scare you.
  9. scottj

    Automatic email alert

    Does his embedded unit not offer that function already to send email alerts? If not, it may be more cost effective to just replace the unit with one that does. Scottj
  10. For the first question regarding the password, it sounds as if you are using a Windows User level login password. You can either remove it, or you can go into the registry and force an Automatic Login. See link: http://www.winguides.com/registry/display.php/780/ For your second question, you will need to change a few more advanced settings (code) so that the software minimizes versus shuts down the PC. You can probably easily just reactivate the Start Up button on your keyboard through the registry, this will allow you to work back on your desktop. Scottj
  11. I agree, the Comart is a stable piece of hardware when paired up with good software. Scottj
  12. scottj

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    Get ahold of a copy of the OS and reformat and reinstall the software using their product code. Then change your installation ID to that of your product code and call to activate it. 5 minutes on the phone with some guy in India (Microsoft) and you will be good to go. Scottj
  13. yep it will work. Won't be NBC quality broadcast, but will work fine. We pumped Bruce Almighty through an online demo with audio included for about a month. If I see Jim Carrey anytime soon I may vomit. Scottj
  14. scottj

    Can we still buy GV900 cards?

    I agree, you can no longer get them from GV, but since GV doesn't make the boards it doesn't mean that you cannot get that card. UDP still manufacturers the board, GV just chose not to pair up their software with it any longer due to the combo board. Scottj
  15. scottj

    Can we still buy GV900 cards?

    UDP still manufacturers them, but Geo is going to phase them out over time.
  16. hey whatever works..haha I won't knock a guy for trying to make a living. Scottj
  17. scottj

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    you can get a case for the price of the difference...but I understand. that narrows it down a bit if he wishes to still use the AMD 64.
  18. I knew this, I was just trying to see what the reply was...haha scottj
  19. scottj

    Can we still buy GV900 cards?

    How many GV-900 boards are you looking for iwatch? 8 or 16 port? Scottj
  20. scottj

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    This board works well, we tested it on all GV models with no issues. It is very stable, especially for a low cost solution. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813128259#DetailSpecs Scottj
  21. scottj

    Can we still buy GV900 cards?

    iwatch, If you are using a decent camera, you should not need the AGC via the Geo software. If you can provide us with the camera model/type/brand, we can test it in our office and help you resolve your issue you are having using other methods. The AGC is just a "quick" baseline adjustment, the camera overall should be able the either auto adjust or have setting changes available in order to dial it in for the application. Let us know, more than happy to look into this for you. Scottj
  22. CPCam says "they are AVtech", yet when you talk to another distributor selling AvTech, they say the same thing. Somewhere between them lies the truth (overseas). It's rather ironic that you can get the same unit cheaper from a reseller than you can from the manufacturer, especially buying in volume. I may just contact Kathie Lee Gifford and see if she owns any shops in China that make DVR's....haha scottj
  23. nope.....its a combo board with DSP built onboard.
  24. scottj

    Geovision GV 800V3 system freezing

    upgrade to 6.11 and give it a try. Also, make sure that you are using a seperate IDE channel for the CDRW and HDD. Make them both master and use another cable, no cable select. If you can beef up the CPU it wouldn't hurt you any, like a P4 3.0 (no celeron) in your case with 16 cames at that frame rate. scottj
  25. iwatch, disabling the DSP on the combo boards will not give you the AGC function, only when adding the DSP board (seperate board entirely) to one of the other non-DSP boards (600,650,800, etc.) scottj