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Everything posted by scottj

  1. scottj

    Geovision site has been hacked

    oh the irony....a security company site hacked...too much. It was however very nice of the hacker to supply everyone a map of where he is from, not too braight those Turks. scott
  2. You could just go and buy a webcam? From a cost standpoint, it would be much cheaper. We use PolyCom Via Video II webcams for video conference, they work wonderful. Pkug it in a USB port, load a little application...presto...WEBCAM scott
  3. scottj

    Gas Station Install

    There are many brands of DVR's out on the market that will give you rhis capability. Your budget is going to primarily determine what options you choose. If you go with a PC based, the GeoVision works very well with the Gilbarco POS. If you are looking for less feature rich machines you could use a standalone model (embedded DVR). There are so many brands to choose from with Embedded that I wouldn't honestly know what direction to point you in. There are many guys on this forum that use those primarily and can probably offer you some examples. scottj
  4. scottj

    Gas Station Install

    We have systems in at least 50 gas stations, 99.9% of the cameras are mounted to the main building (food marts, etc.) and facing the pump islands. You need good quality cameras to be aimed at the pumps, varifocal lenses zoomed to your likings or at least where you can make a plate out on a vehicle in case of a drive off. Also, many gas stations use a Gilbarco POS terminal/pump controller. Does your customer wish to have text overlay or a database of the transaction data as part of the DVR system? Our customers use it. scott
  5. Did you just recently upgrade the software version on the Geo system? Also, post a valid link to your system, or IM it to me in private. I want to check it. scott
  6. If the software you are runnings increases to 100% CPU usage in the P3 500MHz, and the P4 2.6Ghz machines both, this tells me that you would have this problem no matter what size CPU and resources you provide. So obviously if it works fine in the 500MHz machine, then the system really doesn't require much more processing power in order to function. That is a software issue. A hardware compression board is an option, but even if you were to use a better DVR board/software package that is software compression you should not have that issue. We use software compression boards and our CPU is never anywhere near 100%. Keep in mind that some of the hardware compression boards on the market are only using hardware compression on the output side of the captured video, not the input. Very popular marketing if I may say so myself. scott
  7. What CPU is in the machine, and how much RAM do you have? scott
  8. Xvision...is actually a GeoVision board with a modified GUI, still uses the same software. Do you have a router installed and all necessary ports forwarded? If you want, post a link to the site, I would like to check something out remotely. scott
  9. scottj

    Geovision Recorded Video

    You will have to wait till the 5 minute clip has been recorded. I personally prefer to set the video clip max recording times to 1-2 minutes. scottj
  10. scottj

    Geovision GV-MP4

    I have never heard of it called the GV-MP4, wow..something new daily. The GV-900 does not support the addition of the Hybrid card. We tried it just to see, and experience video freezing on channels 4, 8,12,and 16..This tells me that either the encoder chip or the PCI bridge chip is different possibly. To be perfectly honest, the Hybrid card does not add enough quality to be worth the added expense. scott
  11. scottj

    Geovision GV-MP4

    What exactly is the GV-MP4? scott
  12. Anyone in here have opinions from using Nitek products? Here is what I may use, but in quantity (large deployment) http://www.nitek.net/utplinks_xp/PS105.htm Power supplies http://www.nitek.net/surge_protectors/DVRPTR16.htm Surge Protection (head end) http://www.nitek.net/utplinks_xp/CX452.htm Modular Card Cage http://www.nitek.net/utplinks_xp/CHM16.htm Crossover Insertion cards http://www.nitek.net/utplinks_xp/CXM22.htm Crossover Insertion cards w/RS422 http://www.nitek.net/single_channel/VB43ATF.htm Video Baluns (cameras) http://www.nitek.net/surge_protectors/CAMPVC24.htm Surge Protection (camera end) Would like to hear your thoughts. I am not looking for price as the driving factor here, quality and reliability is the most important. We will have this equipment mounted in 77" 44RU cabinets, and use bulkhead style connections from building to building in order to keep adding channels. 150-200 cameras here. scottj
  13. Only you are entitled to a personal opinion Rory, the US doesn't allow us to have one. Our opinions are predetermined here by our politicians. haha Scottj
  14. 3 school districts in our area have Geo based systems, most of them went with a Ganz interior dome or a fixed block camera encased in a Wren globe. Not the absolute best equipment on the market by any means, but works well enough for them to spot Leroy selling crack in the gymnasium... scottj
  15. Another thread gone bad...haha Hey guys don't sweat it, I have already purchased Nitek equipment. NVT had minimal rack mount equipment for the head end, the Nitek offered the modular crossover distribution cards that make a nice clean scalable system. The VU baluns that I saw did not offer Data/Video/Power, only video and power. Maybe I just didn't find it on their website? Regardless, thanks for the opinions, much appreciated. scottj
  16. scottj

    Price of Gas

    I drive a SUV that gets about 9 miles per gallon. Even if gas prices go to 6 bucks a gallon, Im still going to drive around and suck the life out of the ozone layer. Global warming doesn't concern me, personally I think a few degrees warmer would fell nice, and the tan would be a little better.. As far as Terrorists, I have never personally been threatened by any of them so they don't concern me.
  17. I think I saw some cams at http://www.filanderingwife.com
  18. scottj

    Need Software Help! Geovision 600

    I can get you a chip, contact me in private through IM with your information.
  19. scottj

    Need Software Help! Geovision 600

    You will still need the S1 chip for your board, it is most likely one of the first generation V3 boards. You will also need the dongle, as the new boards are flashed differently, thus not requiring the Secure USB Driver installation. Rory, The Dongle is not serial number dependent. The boards that you have are flashed differently, the older boards do not have this feature, so when the V 7.0 software is installed it will seek out the Secure USB Driver (dongle). You can take any dongle and use it to upgrade a V3 board with the S1 chipset.
  20. scottj

    ISC EAST SHOW 2005

    lie to her Herm, I did to my wife for years...wait? She is my ex now...hmmmm I may on to something.
  21. scottj

    ISC EAST SHOW 2005

    There are very few companies in the US that are the manufacturer, most have their products OEM for them overseas. If they actually made the products in the US (or Canada such as Extreme), very few people could afford them. (thank Unions for high labor costs, Insurance companies for high premiums, and the US Govt. for high taxation). Personally OEM products are what keep the prices continually competitive, thus resulting in us being able to buy for example a bike for your kid from Walmart for 50 bucks. (We couldn't fab a bike like those for 5 times that price in the US). Now if we could just get them to send their low cost women over here...The American ones are too high maintenance and pricey. scottj
  22. scottj

    Need Software Help! Geovision 600

    On the card itself you will se a chip with a sticker saying "SP xx-Port", or it will say "S1 xx-Port". The "xx" denotes which channel configuration you have. ie: 4,8,16. scottj.
  23. scottj

    Need Software Help! Geovision 600

    If it is a geniune Geo board, then yes you have the ability to upgrade to the S1 chip/dongle and V 7.0, but these items are subject to fees (depends what a dealer wants to charge you). If you send me an IM with your email address we can discuss this outside of the forum. I will need the barcode numbers from the board, and I can either upgrade you myself or direct you to a local dealer. scottj
  24. scottj

    Need Software Help! Geovision 600

    Randy, I can help you out tomorrow morning when I get back into the office. You may not be able to use version 7.0 due to your coard probably has the SP chip on it. If you want V6.0, no dongle or chip change is needed and I can give you a download link to our server. scottj