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Everything posted by scottj

  1. Guys, I need to pick your brains on your thoughts for cameras located in a cooler (about half the size of a walmart store) which operates between 32-35 degrees F with near saturation humidity levels. Any ideas would be very much appreciated. I'm not sure if going with a high quality heated/fan housing is best, or a combination of camera and housing both should be taken into consideration. If any of you guys have experience with these types of installs I really could use a hand of advice here. I need around 40 of these units within the next two weeks. I got suckered into this gig, I would normally pass this on to another company but there are politics involved as usual. Thanks, Scottj
  2. Rory, The past 2 days I have been getting an error message as if Extremes webpage is screwed up. Any ideas?
  3. thanks guys for your help, I pulled specs on the models you mentioned and found a few we think will work perfectly. Much appreciated. scottj
  4. scottj


    Take a strip of litmus paper and attach it to an area that is congested with the "steam", this will give you a very rough idea of what type of atmosphere you have to be prepared to work in.
  5. Such as a Pelco EH8100 housing?
  6. have any ideas on which ones? I will send you some Beano if you make a good recommendation. scottj
  7. scottj


    May just be a chemical fog or haze and not actually steam? It is interesting to see what plays out with this job though.
  8. I will shoot it over to you in the morning when I am back in the office. Probably will be around noon, I have 18 holes to play first. Much appreciated. scottj
  9. hey thats what I told Bryan at Extreme, I was as surprised as you are... He still did not recommend it.
  10. Spoke to them already and they said "No can do" with their cameras... They didn't recommend it. Would love to use their cameras, need over 100 total for this install. scottj
  11. You can eliminate the DSP (real-time) card from your system. It is designed for 8 or 16 channel units and will not be needed to achieve real time display and recording if you choose the GV-800-4 over the GV-650-4. The GV-800-4 will offer you 120FPS (30 per channel), when the GV-650-4 will limit you to 60FPS (or 15FPS per channel). The rest looks doable. Goodluck with everything. scottj
  12. scottj


    Doyous, The housing would probably have to consist of Viton or Kalrez seals as I mentioned before. I think more importantly is your initial question of whether or not you could monitor through the decreased visibility without going Thermal.....hmmm, not sure on that one, I will do a little research.
  13. scottj


    Sulfuric Acid ? haha...even if the camera "could" see through the steam, it would need either a Teflon or Polypro housing with o-ring seals that can withstand the sulfuric acid residue.
  14. hey Rory, send me some information on Island lots (developed with sewer, water, electric, gas) Thank you Sir. My GF wants to see what I cant afford. scottj
  15. Naw Rory, no Union bashing tonight. Besides, my brother is Union (IBEW), and he has a made a very good living overcharging people with inferior work, so I would never want to bash him for that... Only kidding Data
  16. scottj

    moving on to dvr

    Rick, That is a very solid unit you mention. Sorry we go off in all directions at times (most of the time), did not mean to confuse you. scottj
  17. haha not hardly. I don't think anyone is selling those, they just like to advertise them for some reason or another. I'm just waiting for Ebay to start selling something useful, like Illegal Aliens or something I can make a profit off of.
  18. haha, Im a Buyer not a Seller...haha
  19. scottj

    moving on to dvr

    No kidding, we keep this up and we are all going to wind up at Scores making fun of the Union with Data over a few cold ones and a lap dance. And no Data, you can't dance on my lap... scottj
  20. Here is an idea..... If you are unsure who makes the machine, just private label them with the "Intellicam" name. That way if they fail, they get all the liability...haha
  21. scottj

    moving on to dvr

    Is the Space Shuttle controlled by an embedded machine or a PC? hmmmmm....If a PC is good enough for NASA, it must be good enough for security..
  22. Those embedded jobs must be too complicated, you guys can't even figure out who makes the damn thing... I sugggest you sell those back on Ebay and install some top quality PC based machines. At least you will know who makes them.. scottj
  23. oh, well it is most certainly a GE product then...
  24. scottj

    GEovision PC Reboot

    "I tried to check event manager but i was getting some windows service error so i installed windows again, but while installing Service Pack 2 the reboots became frequent...i didnt even install GV-600 drivers yet and the computer rebooted alot." What error message were you getting? That sounds more like a HDD failing effect. XP will attempt reboots if the HDD is damaged.