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Everything posted by scottj

  1. very expensive boards with outdated technology. Newegg.com sells them too. scottj
  2. scottj

    timeouts in geovision webcam

    you need to set the bandwidth control in the WebCam server settings menu. If you leave it unchecked with no limits, it will request the maximum allowable banbwidth that the upload service provides, thus causing network congestion and resulting in time outs. It can also happen on your customers service if she has 4 kids all surfing the web and sharing the broadband connection. We always tell our customers that if you want dedicated system features and functions, then they need to pay for dedicated ISP service to eliminate these variables. scottj
  3. Don't lock him down yet Herm, let's at least hear his rebuttal. This is better than watching Springer. scottj
  4. scottj

    Comart XeCap 200

    no, the ones I have wouldn't work for you anyways unless I told you are company ID Code that is flashed on the boards.
  5. scottj

    GeoVision SDK .....

    You have to be approved by GeoVision in order to obtain it, in addition you have to pay for it. scottj
  6. scottj

    Comart XeCap 200

    yes, good card, especially if you write your own software using their SDK.
  7. scottj

    Ever Focus ED300/N

    Data, before you buy anything like that, let me send you some info on a few different generic cams. scottj
  8. I guess the real question is why are you getting .5 volts DC over your coax connection? What DVR is it, and what camer is attached? scottj
  9. scottj

    AGP card for BNC

    Sure seems like a lot of money and effort for this installation, when all you basically wish to do is stream video over IP and FTP. I would use a decent video server mounted in a NEMA 4 rated enclosure and FTP the video to an offsite secure location if to record it. Adding the applet code to a web page should be a breeze..
  10. Just remove it from the Start Up Menu. You can still use it after the system boots if need be. The best way to prevent unauthorized persons from getting into the system is by means of a system password permission created with minimal allowed functions. You can also edit the registry and remove the Ctrl-Alt-Delete function to eliminate reboots that are unwarranted. scottj
  11. scottj


  12. The errors you are getting are not associated with the Geo board or software, they are system errors in your machine. A few suggestions to optimize the Geo is to not use the Desktop Keylock utility in the Startup menu, it has caused issues in the past. Another is to disable system restore, disable mouse shadowing, disable the recycle bin to store files. All of those processes require system resources and should never need to be used if the system itself is in good working order. The lsass.exe error is typically a sign that you may have a virus such as Sasser, Trojan worms ect. There are others, but I am not a viral expert. My recommendation is to reformat and start over with a clean system and see if the problem is still there. You may also want to try repairing XP before you do this and go from there. scottj
  13. scottj

    GEO 600 dongles

    Robert, If only certain cameras were working as you mentioned before with camera 9 and 10, it sounds as if you used the incorrect replacement pigtail. Depending on the model board you have the pigtail can be pinned out differently, thus resulting in video loss etc. This is because for example the GV-1000 does not have audio (no audio on the pigtail), the GV-800 has 4 channels of audio. They are pinned completely different, so if you replace a "bad" pigtail with the wrong type, you will only get video on certain cameras, etc. The dongle term I believe you are speaking of is actually the pigtail, not the USB Driver Dongle that was used temporarily for upgrade to Version 7.0 software. If you have upgraded and your board was a V2 board, you will have problems and the Version 7.0 software will not work without locking up, even with the S1 chip replacement. scottj
  14. scottj

    24V AC in Coxial CCTV

    There are two ways to feed picture + power through the same coaxial cable: 1. A special arrangements which carrier base band video (composite video) on top of the power going on the same cable, one example of this can be found at http://pdfserv.maxim-ic.com/arpdf/AppNotes/A0411.pdf 2. Camera generates RF signal (TV antenna signal). With high frequency antenna signals it is easy to separate the signal and power. Just feed the power to the cable through a small inductor (this coil can pass DC power but blocks RF). Then get the RF out through a small capacitor (this blocks DC power but passed RF through). The camera end has similar circuit inside, so it can get power through inductor and feed the RF to cable through capacitor. It is not goig to work with your PC based system. Sell it on Ebay. scottj[/url]
  15. well, that eliminates the term "quality"
  16. He knows what he is talking about.
  17. 900 for the board, or the total system?
  18. What is your budget, how many camera channels, and what features are necessary for you? (Remote Access, etc.) scottj
  19. scottj

    Geovision 6.0 -6.11 error message

    In order to upgrade from 6.0 to 6.1 (or 6.11) you need to swap the SP chip on the board with an S1 chip. Your board must also be a V3 (version 3) series in order for the S1 chip to work properly. scottj
  20. Check NKF Electronics out, they are far more reasonable than Pelco for fiber transmission equipment. They also have the ability to stream multiple cameras over a single fiber, including data controls. scottj
  21. scottj

    CD R/W (DVD R/W) all that important?

    500k wont buy a house in So Cal...haha Unless you want a shack in Santa Ana. I can relate Scott, I still own my home in Newport Beach. (originally from there) scottj
  22. scottj

    CD R/W (DVD R/W) all that important?

    I use 5k as an example. We don't have customers who use an 800.00 DVR, we refer those to Ebay and tell them to cross their fingers. And as far as the backup video format, most high end systems will automatically add the viewing client to the CD or DVD for ease of playback for the police stations etc. AVI is also very common, can be played back through WMP. And from experience, if the police are investigating a crime of any magnitude (homicide, rapes, abdutions, assaults) and the system does not have a easy way to extract the data they will seize the DVR (such as the 800.00 one). scottj
  23. scottj

    CD R/W (DVD R/W) all that important?

    Then again, what is 18 bucks for a CDRW drive on a machine that could effectively costs 5000.00 (more or less depending on the DVR)? Thats almost as foolish as buying a 500k home and not enclosing the sofits... scottj
  24. I can sell you my old bike Rory, you only get one shot at a pole though.. Scottj