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Everything posted by scottj

  1. scottj

    Geovision and windows xp

    IF you have added the GeoVision to the "Startup" menu, then it should restart when the computer is turned back on. The DSL issue is a network connection configuration, no need to edit the registry to achieve this. Create a manual connection so that when Windows starts it will auto-connect to your DSL modem. You may also wish to modify the BIOS to Power On automatically after power failure, so the system will come on automatically. scottj
  2. Download the latest nvidia chipset drivers for your VGA board, it may help. If not, swith to an ATI chipset and try again. Also check to verify you have the latest version of DirectX installed. scottj
  3. 56k dial-up connection is not going to be enough bandwidth to stream video for up to 3 cameras. Even with 1 camera, the frame rate will be horrible assuming the internet connection stays connected. I would not recommend any remote viewing unless a broadband connection is available. scottj
  4. scottj

    Recommend a small wireless camera?

    HAHA. I think the landscaping company that mow my lawns are Union actually, at least they all hop out of the bed of the same truck and all speak the same language(espanol). About the same as Union isn't it?
  5. scottj

    Recommend a small wireless camera?

    Or like Business owners and Unions
  6. scottj

    Ptz for geo

    Yeah Wildcard, the ACD-1500 is actually not a bad camera for the money. I have 6 CyberDomes around my house and there is not a huge difference between the two when looking at a larger scale of viewing. When you get more detailed images though, the Kalatel is 150% better. scottj
  7. Same metro area, all within about 25 miles from center. I'll check out Iview, I didn't know there was a multisite option, might do the trick! -WC- Geo has multi-site capability also. If bandwidth is minimal, I would recommend using Center V2 and only allow video streaming upon motion detection for a minimal amount of time for monitoring purposes. You still are going to have a tough time sending data over IP on such a minimal bandwidth, even if you went the FTP route it will be an issue. Streaming video to archive remotely would almost have to be controlled by setting a bandwidth limitation (50-100kb)per/sec in the configuration settings. scottj
  8. scottj

    Donglin Along...

    For one they could get a handle on their distribution channels. Edward has mentioned that they are trying to monitor the methods in which they market their boards. The past Geo Marketing Strategy was: Buy (1) board = end user Buy (2) boards = Dealer Buy (3) boards = Distributor There are a plethora of 14 year old Distributors out there now with no overhead that you will have to compete with. (See Ebay and search GeoVision). When this happens, legit businesses seek out alternative solutions (one being a generic Chinese board that looks like Geo, and most importantly uses Geo software). It's just like anything else in the world. If you price people out of a product, they will find an alternate route. Piracy will always exists and the best fight against it is developing a Continuous Improvement mentality. Geo is not losing sales due to piracy, they are losing sales due to poor business ethics and massive price variances. But what some of us consider "poor ethics" is the norm in many Asian markets. scottj
  9. http://www.starnexinternational.com may be a solution for you.
  10. add more RAM, the GV-800 boards seem to require a minimum of 512 PC3200 or preferred Dual Channel PC3200. Also, Did you move the board to a different PCI slot on the mainboard away from the AGP slot? Sometimes slot #1 will share the same IRQ as the AGP thus degrade performance. scottj
  11. graybar sells over the counter to anyone. Typically from my experience is that if a company sells to the end user, they are not the cheapest. (unless they sell on Ebay or are a very large company)Ex: newEgg.com
  12. very.. the older model kalatels are near bulletproof. One thing Dataave and i finally agree on
  13. I don't get paid by the hour, so i guess I'm real poor
  14. his upload speed is the most critical at the remote store sites, not the download bandwidth. And if you are sharing a standard DSL connection through a router at these locations, the quality and stability is going to be very difficult for you to assure him of a constant frame rate due to possible network congestion issues. The last thing you want to do is offer him a solution that is going to require multiple free service calls and a headache because he is restricted on such a tight budget. I understand that sometimes the customer can only spend so much, but sometimes the answer is "it just is not recommended" versus attempting a project that will become a money loser in the long run. scottj
  15. You can adjust each channels recording and display rate independently. since you have a 120 FPS card (GV-800), you can only adjust each camera to a maximum of 15 FPS when all 8 channels are being used. However, you can utilize the "smart recording" feature which will allocate recording frame rate resources to camera channels which have the most change in state (movement in the recording area). scottj
  16. scottj

    Donglin Along...

    If Herm wasn't such a nice guy I wouldn't tease him like this. scottj
  17. scottj

    Donglin Along...

    Those guys at I-View never cease to amaze me. Rumor has it that GeoVision and I-View were fighting over this new logo, but I'm going to let you guys decide. Scottj
  18. scottj

    Donglin Along...

    Post the new Logo for me Rory, the one I think is most fitting...haha scottj
  19. scottj

    Donglin Along...

    Well I-View finally got rid of the Bart Simpson with the cape in their newest version of FreeWare Pro. Here is a sneak preview of the latest logo. I think Herm designed this....I will let Rory post it for me... scottj
  20. yeah, the standalones would work well too in order to keep stability and costs to a minimum. Rory know the Embedded products well WildCard, he can make recommendations till you are sick of seeing the word CCTV.. DataAve knows good labor rates for bidding the job. Take his Union rate minus 20% and then you have a realistic price..haha(Only kidding DataAve). But seriously, he can be a very good resource for larger bids and AE specs. scottj
  21. wow, did you contact Halleburton for that price? try CSC in Chicago. http://www.gocsc.com or even ADI in Chicago. scottj
  22. The geovision will not be the way to go here. If he feels that the frame rate will suffer for viewing over a broadband connection, wait till you tell him what streaming video over IP for offsite storage will require in bandwidth. A recommnedation would be to use something along the lines of LuxRiot software in conjunction with IP cameras at the remote locations. Again, the bandwidth issue is not going to be cheap, and if your customer thinks the extra servers at the additional stores is a "waste", then he will cringe at the price of decent IP cameras and enough bandwidth to satisfy the project. scottj
  23. You should try going to the midwest states and south from there, "ya'll" and "howdy"...hilarious. Being from Southern California(Northern Mexico) myself I rarely had a chance to hear accents with the exception of the hispanics and asians. The bible belt area of the country is funny though. Nice people, but a little crazy when it comes to religion. I suppose a nice mix of people makes this place interesting to live in.
  24. Nothing wrong with Canadians. In Canada Moosehead is a beer, in the States it is considered a misdemeanor. It is good to know the differences...haha
  25. scottj

    Donglin Along...

    I'd have to disagree that a dongle make a software package look "cheap." In fact, most of the really expensive niche software packages like this use dongles to prevent piracy. Using a dongle is just about the best way to assure that your software is not being use illegally. Granted you can get around a dongle authentication key, but it does take a lot of work and most people aren't willing to put that much time and money into cracking them. What happens when someone steals the dongle from a DVR? I can tell you now that our customers will not accept the downtime (sending board numbers to Geo for a replacement, etc). Cracking a dongle actualy does not take much effort nor money. Rumor has it that there are "people" that have already done this. scottj