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Everything posted by scottj

  1. scottj

    Large campus like area, any ideas?

    Although I agree at times with staying at the least cost possible in some cases, I have a feeling if the customer is expecting a price range upwards close to 10K per camera, then you may as well use something that will fly you slightly under the radar versus something that will raise questions of whether you can do the job or not. I see bidders that come in so low that they get tossed in the trash just because they are considered a "flyer" versus the majority of the competition. It doesn't always mean that their bids will not work (many would work fine), however it raises concern as to why you would price yourself so much lower than the competition when the deployment dictated a higher average. It also is all about margins. If they expect to pay close to 10K per camera, then deliver it and make more profit for yourself. After al, you are giving your customer exactly what they want and ask for. Scottj
  2. scottj

    Large campus like area, any ideas?

    Motorola Canopy IP based wireless would work perfect for your application. Take a look at the ear and specs, wouldn't hurt to contact them and ask they send a field topography engineer out to map the area. This system works, and works well. I think you will find that building a VLAN throughout the area will put your average PPC (price per camera) well below the 10K mark and could secure your foot in on the bid. Scottj
  3. scottj

    ISC West 2006

    I have no objections to pretty much any evening. I am trying to keep my evening schedule open on more of a vacation level which wil leave more time to meet people just for the hell of it. Scottj
  4. scottj

    2 Way Audio --Need an Amplified Speaker

    We use Crown PZM11-LL mics in conjunction with an Audiophile ceiling mount amplified speaker with volume control integrated. Works very well. Another option that we have used was to utilize the public display LCD monitors (LCD TV actually) speakers as the inbound audio signal. So basically when you yell "You Are Fired!", it comes across the TV in the lobby or office area and scares the living crap out of whomever is standing within 10 feet of the thing. People helping people, what a wonderful thing.. Scottj
  5. scottj

    Interview Room recorder

    The Geo systems sync audio with video fairly well. We sold several units to police departments for exactly the same reason you are asking, they swear by them now. Scottj
  6. scottj

    Daycare/Church monitoring

    Just need a multi-channel video multiplexer and a monitor. You can always add recording later if needed, however if you feel you are going to do it soon it may be more cost effective to just do it now and buy a DVR versus having to upgrade later. Scottj
  7. scottj

    ISC West 2006

    Rory and I will be at NY/NY Hotel. Anyone from the forum want to meet up Late Tuesday night at Coyote Ugly or a place like that for a few chilled beverages just let us know and we can exchange cell numbers. It would be nice to get a group of us together to shake hands and put names with faces. Scottj
  8. scottj

    Question on Mobile DVR's

    Get me one of those units and I will have it put in my car. Would be pretty interesting to see it in action. Scottj
  9. scottj

    GeoVision & Camera with more then 480 lines?

    The only reason I could see you using a box camera over a dome for your application would be due to lens requirements. If you can cover the area of detection using a 3-9mm lens range, then I have a solution for you that fits well within your budget for your application. The quality is far above anf beyond that of the Speco bullet line products as well. Let me kow if you are interested and I can send you a demo link. Scottj
  10. The Geo based systems can do exactly what you are requesting. You can use an input device to trigger a PTZ to move to a predefined position. You can also use additional output devices upon PTZ movement such as adding a strobe indication light to a guard station etc. Effectively the system is capable of much more if designed properly. Scottj
  11. scottj

    Can I use this pc for geo card?

    Depending on which Geo board you use it should work fine. The combo boards act slightly different when using PCI Raid Controllers due to IRQ conflicts since the PCI bridge chip is different. The work around is done in the BIOS if you feel comfortable making advanced setting changes. Scottj
  12. scottj

    Geovision 7.05 update

    cam2, Send me an email outside of the forum and I will respond with a link. The one I had in my inbox on here was rejected. Scottj
  13. scottj

    Geovision 7.05 update

    I would remove the previous version and just reinstall the download from the beginning. Your settings will still be saved, should only take a few minutes. Scottj
  14. scottj

    Geovision 7.05 update

    ours is. it has a combination of a few different drivers etc. It works flawless. Scottj
  15. scottj

    Geovision 7.05 update

    If you can sit tight till Monday, I will send you a link to download the full version 7.04 OEM which we use and the Pelco Spectras will work as they should. Scottj
  16. scottj

    Question about Geo-650 DVR card

    You have an older version 650 board (V2). In order to run 6.1 and higher you need a V3 board with either the S1 chipset or a dongle keypro. Scottj
  17. scottj

    gv600 play back problems

    Windows Security Center, or if you are using a router make sure you have opened port 5066 by means of Virtual Server or Application Port Triggering. Scottj
  18. scottj

    PTZ and Geo gv-800

    shoot me your email in PM, I will send you the dip switch settings. Scottj
  19. scottj

    PTZ and Geo gv-800

    We leave the dip switches at their default settings, except set the termination switch if you do not use the daisy chain installation method. Ours show the OSD with no probs, I just looked again. Just press ENTER in the setup mode, we can program the camera remotely at a customer location. Scottj
  20. scottj

    PTZ and Geo gv-800

    It should show the OSD in the setup, ours do. Hit Open Iris or something like that. Scottj
  21. scottj

    PTZ and Geo gv-800

    I have the beta 8 version, we have to get it on a box and play around with it. I'm sure it have massive bugs so may have to remove some of the features first. I have some Spectra III's here so I may have a guy hook one up and retest the tracking, but if I remember correctly it didn't work. Maybe I wil toss one online and post a link for you all to play with on T1 so you can get a decent movement. Scottj
  22. scottj

    gv600 play back problems

  23. scottj

    PTZ and Geo gv-800

    Cam2, You can add multiple Spectra III's on the same COM port of the DVR, just address each PTZ differently and it works fine. As for Object Tracking feature with GEO, the Spectra III does not work (at least it hasn't worked for us). As for interrupting a PTZ tour remotely and then not being able to start the tour back up; there is a way around that. Using a Spectra III, create Auto Groups (not Tour). When you take control of the PTZ remotely you will then be able to start the Group up again which accomplishes the same thing as a tour. Easy work around there, we do it often. Scottj Scottj
  24. scottj

    OEM a GUI

    Send me a scope of work to be performed (design concept, features etc etc) and let us quote it for you if you like. The best way to approach this is once we know an idea of what you want performed, we can derive a schedule in Project Planner and give you a price and completion date. It also alows you to see steps in the development needed for review in incremental stages. ScottJ
  25. scottj

    OEM a GUI

    Sure you have it Rory...(you can at least, I have a few lying around with SDK somewhere)