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Everything posted by scottj

  1. yes there is, it must be done through the registry scottj
  2. scottj

    Interesting read

    HAHA...Yes I am...All in good fun
  3. scottj

    Interesting read

    HOW MUCH you want to bet that in about 50-100 years, our next president is going to have a Immigrant background? I give it less than 10 years, think The Terminator scottj
  4. scottj

    Interesting read

    I admit that I have greed, the same greed that stimulates this economy. The more I buy, the more people stay employed in this country. I try to buy American made products as often as possible, but it seems that either the product is far too expensive, or it doesn't exist anymore. I owned a Chrysler once, took 3 transmissions before it finally worked correctly. That is a prime example of Union work performed in this country. My Chrysler must have been built on a Friday 2nd shift. I can respect your loyalty to the Unions Data but make no mistake in thinking that unions only support US made products. My girlfriend works for a promotional products company that handles the shirts, and various other "giveaway" items for the IBEW and Teamsters in our region. She was strictly told by her customers (the Unions) to order products made overseas and they (the Union officials) would "cut the tags out so the members wouldn't know the difference" in efforts to get the best price. They even went so far as to sign a disclaimer stating that the products were in fact not MADE IN THE USA, and had the union "bug" printed on them anyways. So although I can appreciate your efforts in defending the Unions, they are more guilty than anyone. Now put that in your happy pipe and smoke it...haha
  5. scottj

    Interesting read

    I only do that to get Data boiling. It is all in good fun. scottj
  6. scottj

    Interesting read

    And who is to blame for all the products being made overseas??? Consumers and Unions both. We as consumers demand the lowest prices possible. We can only blame ourselves for that. Cheap prices require cheap labor. Why should a company pay 5 (Union)men at $35.00 per hour (+benefits) to perform a job that in reality only requires one person at a wage of $13 per hour? Now send the workload overseas and you get a family of 4 (kids included) to work for you at a wage of about 2,000 per year, no benefits. The benefit to them is that they get to eat. scottj
  7. scottj

    Max length of video run

    Use 24VAC cameras for long distance installations. I personally prefer all 24VAC cameras whether the runs are short or long. Plus, the power supply cabinets are less expensive. scottj
  8. scottj

    RS 485 to RS232 issues.

    Im 98% sure, can't ever be 100%, but I have seen customers with the same exact issue you mention and and seen the fix for the issue. Send me a PM through here so I can give you pricing, we cannot post pricing in this section of the forum. scottj
  9. scottj

    pc based vs dvr machines

    You listed a perfect example for an embedded system. Minimal features, less costs...More profit for you.
  10. scottj

    pc based vs dvr machines

    PC based systems are typically packaged with more features and add-ons. An embedded (DVR box as you say) is what it is. Depending on what your customers needs and specifications are will determine which scenerio to use. I personalll like both types. The one thing to really watch out for is the cheap embedded and PC versions. If the price appears to good to be true, then it most likely is. scottj
  11. scottj

    RS 485 to RS232 issues.

    Get a GV-NET RS485 to RS232 box or board and eliminate that Ebay part. No need for it. Within 5 minutes you will have the problem fixed and be controlling your camera correctly. If you need a module, I have some and I can sell you one. They are very inexpensive and work. scottj
  12. scottj

    Long Term storage, archiving

    You could use a PC based system with a drive array for storage. Possibly even use Matrix raid. I know a company called digi-data who sells very nice array stsems for a reasonable price. scottj
  13. scottj

    Cannot Get Rid Of Login Screen

    or go to cmd, regedit and force an AutoAdminlogon string.
  14. I have a GUI that was completely redone and looks far better then the geo version. Let me take a look through the archives and see if i can find it and send it to you or let you download it. I'm afraid if I post the links on here i will be cutting into geovision's Ebay sales...haha scottj
  15. I will have one of my guys put it on one of our FTP servers and then I wil post a link for all of you to download it. In addition I will see what other documentation may be helpful to all of you Geo users out there. When I post the link, feel free to download any of the files. scottj
  16. sure thing brandon. I will do a mass mailing in the morning scottj
  17. yes I got th email, I will send you a PDF in thhe morning when I get in the office. scottj
  18. I can send you the interface redesign instructions if you give me your email address scottj
  19. scottj

    GEO Motion Detect Probs

    Switch to dual channel memory, minimum 512 DDR400 if you have not already done so. We found that the minimum recommended RAM requirements that Geo publishes are not enough, especially when you use the added features in their software. If you are just setting up a machine and recording continuous 24 hr mode, the specification they publish is fine, but once you start adding features such as object counting, viewing playback while recording, etc....it goes to hell fast. Memory is cheap enough these days and you should see a significant improvement. scottj
  20. scottj


  21. scottj

    More Geo multi screen help!

    Use a cheap quad (sequencer) on one of each of the TV's video inputs.
  22. scottj

    131GIG LIMIT

    Are you trying to upgrade to XP Pro from a machine that currently has 2000? scottj
  23. last day with the forum???? sounds weird
  24. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=88756&item=5769478993&rd=1 more I-View...hmmmmmm
  25. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=48636&item=5769674563&rd=1 are you sure Rory???? read this auction ad...this guy swears that all a DVR is just a card in a PC. Then again, he sells his DVR as "weatherproof"? maybe he puts a Trojan over the case or something? haha scottj