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Everything posted by scottj

  1. scottj

    Hey y'allll

    Does this finally mean we can git rid of ebonics also? I hope so, if only people that use that crap could listen to themselves, they would be so embarrassed. Scottj
  2. Non at all to my eyes, maybe if you took the video and ran it through an AVID machine you might see a slight difference, but most people don't have an AVID system available to them for personal use. Scott.
  3. scottj

    Is Geovision the best?

    I like the Comart boards, just haven't used the Netpromax software to be able to pass judgement. Scottj
  4. Set your recording quality to Medium versus High is you have not done so as of yet. And the resolution you are set to sounds like 640x480, not 240x480 (thats would look strange). You should still be using about 50GB per day depending on the amount of camera movement being detected in the facility. Check your MD setiongs and make sure that you are not recording just changes in lighting etc. We typically start at about 5 (ona a scale of 1 to 10), then adjust if the camer is not detecting the zone we wish to cover. It really depends on the camera too on how you adjust this. If you have the ability to mask off some of the areas (cars passing by etc.) from some of the cameras, that will help too. Scottj
  5. scottj

    Geovision software 'Can't find Keypro' error

    hey CCTVDude, Did you verify the board is actually what you ordered? I asked one of my guys here about your situation and he said he had this happen to him with a GV-800 board that was mislabeled by Geo and was actually a 600 model. The board itself was correct, but the chip that Geo puts on the board was labeled incorrectly and was flashed for a GV-600. Might be worth checking, I think you are down to only a couple options it sounds as you have eliminated some of the obvious. Scottj
  6. scottj

    Email Notification

    Use your ISP outgoing mail server for those settings. Scottj
  7. scottj

    Geovision software 'Can't find Keypro' error

    It has the SP chip? Then you need to use version 6.05 or lower. Manually remove the drivers and registry string values for all the Geo software (codecs included). Reload the 6.05 drivers manually (don't use the Driver Install garbage Geo includes on the CD). You should be OK. With that ASUS board you shouldn't have any driver related issues from a point of compatibility. What Geo board is it (600,650,800 etc?) Scottj
  8. scottj

    Geovision software 'Can't find Keypro' error

    What version board, V3? Check the chipset on the board and see if you are using the SP or S1 chip. This will help determine what you have. And we use all Intel 915 chipsets in our machines, rock solid stable and work very well when you are using the Combo cards which use the Techwell chipsets. Scottj
  9. scottj

    Geovision software 'Can't find Keypro' error

    Where did you buy the card? Please don't say Ebay, please please please..... Scottj
  10. scottj

    32ch stand alone

    I don't know of any reasonable 32 channel DVR's , but if you find some standalones I would be interested in them myself. Scottj
  11. From what I see, there is no communications output that would send the ID text to the DVR. The unit looks more like one of the older TVS POS Overlay modules where it just overlays the text directly on the video and can only be saved while watching recorded playback. Do they have anything that will output the raw data? Scottj
  12. scottj

    Need a good Power ZOOM camera

    send me an email and I will shoot you the datasheets of a solution for you. Scottj
  13. scottj

    wide dynamic range

    The Ganz over the Pano in my opinion, we tested them both. Actually we found an OEM that is even better than the Ganz (the Ganz had a "blueish" color to the video that looked weird). That is a perfect application for the WDR technology. Scottj
  14. scottj


    Change your monitor resolution settings on the DVR to 800x600, changing the camera resolutions will have no effect on what you are trying to accomplish. Also change your DVR GUI panel resolution to 800x600 to match that of the DVR itself. Scottj
  15. scottj


    Change your resolution to 800x600 on the DVR then give it a try. Scottj
  16. scottj

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    Check your PM. Scottj
  17. scottj

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    Its not on his end, his employer is blocking ActiveX download across their network. Most do this to prevent virus transfers. Scottj
  18. scottj

    Geovision software 'Can't find Keypro' error

    I take it this is a new machine? 90% certain it is the chipset (VIA). Geo only runs on a few different VIA chipsets without problems, all related to driver compatibility. Scottj
  19. scottj

    system design for home setup

    Good call on the purchase, I hope you bought it from Sal since it wasn't from me.. Scottj
  20. scottj

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    cctv_survivor.. You get this all worked out? Scottj
  21. scottj

    I have sined

    The grainy effect is probably the camer primarily, although as I mentioned before it helps having the other type cable to eliminate noise in the video. I myself prefer crimp connects over snap-n-seal, but that is just a matter or personal preference. I have cameras that I think would fit your needs. Shoot me a PM with your email address and I will send you a spec and price on a couple options for you. Scottj
  22. scottj

    PTZ and RS-232C

    Here is the easiest way to do it in my opinion when you are forced to use the VISCA (damn Sony people). Run a Cat5e from the camera back to the DVR. Uses these connectors (or comparable) DB-9M (male) and DB-9F (female). Here is the link: You will need a male and a female version pinned out standard serial. http://www.ortronics.com Search these part numbers: OR-21109DA8FKIT OR-21109DA8MKIT Connect the VISCA cable to the male DB-9, terminate the Cat5e as a standard patch (not a crossover), plug in the RJ-45. Plug in the other end at the DVR to the DB-9 female and connect to a COM port on the DVR. The VISCA cable is a pain in the you know what, because it requires that Sony DIN connector to the camera. If it wasn't for that, you wouldn't have to go through this mess. Although, this method is low cost as the connectors are only a few bucks. And Cat5e is easy and cheap to run. I used to know the pinout for the Sony DIN, but I must have misplaced the AutoCad prints we had on it. That is a sweet camera, little pricey but great for video conference. It has auto flip and all the features, including the web based management. Your best bet is to setup a tour in the web management first, then just use the Geo to interrupt the tour for manual movements. Scottj
  23. scottj

    I have sined

    You learned the hard way just as many do, nothing to be ashamed of for trying to save a little money. In this industry, you "get what you pay for" that is for certain. Cheap cams 99% of the time = cheap picture quality. Same goes with recording equipment. First of all, what are you using for recording equipment? This information helps for determining if the system will even support the camera quality you could potentially use. No need to hookup a high end camera to a SWANN baby monitor with B/W and low res. display in other words. That's almost as logical as putting $5000 chrome spinner wheels on a 1979 Cutlass that burn oil, makes no sense. The cabling could be better which can cause a drastic improvment in your video quality. If you can use 95% copper braid RG59 or RG6 would be much better. NOT THE HOME DEPOT stuff, it is garbage and you wind up paying twice what it is worth if not more. Dealers in here can supply cable to you that will spec out and deliver the goods. The camera you are looking for sounds like a standard indoor varifocal dome with AI. Lots to choose from there. You can go with a major brand name, or go OEM (non label, private label) solution. Really depends on your budget per camera you want to stay within before I could make a recommendation. You mention that you get direct sunlight. Unless you are using WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) type of dome, I would suggest moving the camera. Even with AI function, direct sunlight is always going to be a problem area. Relocate the camera so that it does not focus directly at a window if at all possible. I think many others in here will agree on this one. You got the right idea on just using lighting if at all possible in your area of coverage. Adding lighting if you can is always the best way to get a superior picture versus going with low cost IR bullets and stuff like that. Besides, you get a much better camera when you don't pay for IR with it. A true IR deployment is done using seperate IR Illuminators and they are not cheap if done correctly. Stick with adding extra lighting whenever possible if the application allows for it. Scottj
  24. scottj


    Geo is good for your needs. There are others out there as well. Video Insight is quality, but maybe a little overkill for you. Kodicom works, you have many options. You could even go with a Standalone embedded unit over PC based if you like. I am sure this thread will be full of answers and recommendations for you within the next 24 hours. Scottj