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Everything posted by scottj

  1. scottj

    PTZ and RS-232C

    use the VISCA cable from the cam to your COM port and set the PTZ controls to SONY EVI-D100 and give it a try. Its been awhile since I had one of those cameras, but I believe it worked. Scottj
  2. scottj

    Remote viewing

    remove the OCX downloaded program files (delete them), Remove the registry entries for all Geo apps in the laptop. Reboot and try connecting to his machine again. Scottj
  3. scottj

    Kalatel Boot Loop

    Score a 4500 RPM drive and set it to Master and give it a try. I have a strong feeling your unit will not support 7200rpm, or UDMA133. Scottj
  4. Depending on the equipment you are using, it may be very doable using the GeoVision product and making modifications to the MDB for the information. If you have specifications on the capture device you use for ID purposes, please post it here and wecan look into it and see what would be needed. Scottj
  5. scottj

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    Your work is blocking activeX from coming through their network. You may have to install the components from a CD behind their back. Scottj
  6. scottj

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    Windows XP integrated Firewall is worthless to be honest, you only have those 4 or 5 ports opened through the router which should still have a firewall enabled. Everyone is vulnerable to being hacked, regardless of the gear they use so I wouldn't worry about it. We have systems that have been up for a couple of years and are still perfectlt safe and operating. Scottj
  7. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=3301
  8. scottj

    Multi-register POS with Geovision?

    You can display 4 POS units onto one DVR at the same time. See your PM and I can help you. Scottj
  9. scottj

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    that is correct, congrats. Send me a PM with your IP and I will test it to see if it connects.
  10. scottj

    Geo v7.05 out?

    7.04 or 7.05? I have a link to get 7.04 (full version OEM), but not 7.05 yet. I'm sure I could get ahold of it tomorrow. Scottj
  11. scottj

    Geo touchscreen

    We have used it, but honestly it is more of a gimmick than anything. I personally don't think it is worth it, but it gives you close to the same functionality you would get using the IR Remote which is about 1200% cheaper. Scottj
  12. scottj

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    They probably won't allow him to download the OCX Checker (ActiveX) at his workstation in his office on their network. He may just be SOL. Scottj
  13. scottj

    GeoVision Audio Bandwidth Requirements

    Have you guys tried limiting the bandwidth through the Geo software yet? Also, check your gain settings in the audio setup menu, if it is maxed at 10, knock it down to about 6 and adjust at the Mic level if it is amplified. I'm betting it is the bandwidth management portion more so than the gain, but that gain adjustment if flaky and we found anything over 6 degraded the quality. Scottj
  14. scottj

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    His board should work, we have used the nVidia 2 chipsets before with version 6.05. Never tried them with 6.1 or later as those boards are effectively obsolete these days. I think his original problem was that he was not sure how to get his unit online so he could view it from work without having to download ActiveX controls (OCX Controls) etc. I think he may have probs with his employer IT dept. allowing him access to certain ports the Geo requires, unless they are not blocking the 3500-5600 rainge (probably not). Scottj
  15. scottj

    wanted: remote viewing w/o software

    Oh ok, then you are referring to the PC based systems of the past completely. If anything, todays PC based market typically offer higher resolutions (image quality), improves framerates (30 FPS per channel available recording), Stability has improved over the days of Win98se and 2000 based system by means of XP platform, even Linux which is very stable depending on what models/brands. System board failure was certainly more probably in the older systems before the new geometry technology that we have today. Whether PC or embedded, both forms are open for a system failure (and HDD failures). In today's market the choice of which to use is determined more on what the application demands are placed on the project. I personally like both types of DVR technology as they both have their place in the market. Things to look for in both types primarily are the same. Good support/documentation, high quality video, reliability, and probably the key driver being cost. Everyone wants Mercedes quality video, but may only wish to spend the KIA budget of course. With so many models avaialable on the market today, choosing a system can be a headache, especially to an end user or someone newer to the CCTV world. This forum is a very good resource for asking any question you can think of, as there are many helpful experience people on here that can point you in a positive direction to your final goal.....Finding the system YOU need and want.... Scottj
  16. We tested the budget baluns up against the Nitek and NVT gear and found the difference in quality to be huge using the exact same wiring. Some guys on here have had great success using the lower cost balun, but we certainly didn't see any reason to go that route once we used the Nitek and NVT product. It was a noticable difference, I wish I had the screenshots to post of the video. Scottj
  17. scottj

    Geo v7.05 out?

    He was being sarcastic, v7.05 has very minimal changed from 7.04. Unless you are experiencing an issue with horizontal line shifts on the combo cards, upgrading will do you absolutely no good. 7.1.0 will be released here shortly so think of 7.05 just as a "patch" for a couple of found issues when dealing with the combo cards primarily. Scottj
  18. scottj

    wanted: remote viewing w/o software

    "burned" as in how? Bad delaer experience, or just lack of knowledge on how the system was built? Just a little curious to get feedback. Scottj
  19. scottj

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    Plese contact me by PM and I can better explain out of the forum. Scottj
  20. scottj

    wanted: remote viewing w/o software

    The Geo PC based DVR solution will support your needs for viewing from Symbian, PDA, or i-Mode phones. Scottj
  21. scottj

    wheres the experts gone ??

    West County (Chesterfield). Right off of 141. I don't shovel the snow anymore, tried it one season and said to hell with that noise, I now just use that Ice Melt stuff that chemically strips the concrete (supposed to just melt ice). HAHA Scottj
  22. scottj

    uk gprs access to geovision

    Geovision now supports mostly mobile phone to receive the JPEG/GIF images in the market with following conditions. Your mobile phone must support xhtml, chtml or html format and connect to internet with GPRS service, then you can view the images as i-mode function in your own mobile phone. Please refer to the instruction below in your mobile phone to view the images. Step1: Go to URL and type in the domain name/IP address and port number if necessarry. Step2: Input the username, password and choose JPEG or GIF format, then submit/send. Step3: Select the channel that you are intend to view its image. Below are mobile phone models support list can viewing Webcam function: Motorola: A760, E398 NEC: N590i Nokia: 3100, 3108, 3200, 3120, 3650, 6108, 6220, 6230, 6600, 6820, 7200, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7600, 7610. SonyEricsson: P800, P900, P908, P910i. Siemens: SX1 LG: G7200 Sharp: GX-i98, GX-21. Note: 1. Please make sure you've applied GPRS service before use this function. 2. Geo still does not support using IE to view the image from mobile phone. 3. If you use domain and still can't view the image, please try to use IP address and re-connect again. 4. Due to the different phone models might have different function of refresh, if your mobile phone doesn't have refresh function or it doesn't actually refresh live image, please find a "Reload" button or you may go back previous page and re-send again. Scottj
  23. scottj

    Problems with a geovision GV-250 and GV-600

    Do you have any "non-Ebay" cameras lying around that you can test? Those cameras are junk to be honest (not trying to insult you) think of it as a lesson learned. I will never knock a guy for trying to save a few dollars, I as an end user you probably had all good intentions and didn't know any better at the time. I recommend you get a decent quality camera and hook it up. In order to troubleshoot your problem, we need to eliminate the high risk variables which are those cameras. Scottj
  24. scottj


    I totally agree kandcorp...I got the DishDVR receiver a few months ago and I find my girlfriend recording shows like Golden Girls? Why would anyone record a show that has and still is in syndication? It has been syndicated for about 20 years now, I tld her if she misses a show just wait a month and they will replay it. haha Scottj
  25. Try and locate a member named Heloder (Jason), he is very knowledgable with the Kodicom products and can probably help you easily. Scottj