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Everything posted by dipshwich

  1. I found this unit on Ebay. I got it fairly cheap so I'm not expecting any miracles with it. I have tried to Google some information but have fallen short of finding anything (I prolly got what I paid for). I'm hoping that someone might direct me to a link.
  2. dipshwich

    Make Your Own Housings >CHEAP<

    listen you doeheads...they use acrylic glass (plexiglass) in outdoor housings...(that last for years, but are easily and inexpensively replaceable)...Geez...sorry for sharing the idea!!!...you can ban me now cause I wont bother coming back.
  3. dipshwich

    Make Your Own Housings >CHEAP<

    Dang..I may as well answer the next question before it gets asked...Yes, I do know how to spell..."beautiful"...
  4. dipshwich

    Make Your Own Housings >CHEAP<

    Not a silly question at all rory...I'm semi retired, and I have more time on my hands than $$$. I have a beutiul detached shop in my back yard(with beer fridge), to where I spend the majority of my time. The other minority of the time I spend in the house listening to the wife b**ch about everything and anything. Like just yesterday she said to me "why didn't you just go buy them stupid things"!!!...go figure eh...
  5. dipshwich

    Make Your Own Housings >CHEAP<

    cause if i made em out of aluminum, someone would ask "why not pvc" but really, pvc is a fraction of the cost of aluminum, and i'll be long buried before they deteriorate!
  6. dipshwich

    Make Your Own Housings >CHEAP<

    The camera stays fastened to the steel flatbar. If I want to adjust the lens or camera settings, I just pull the tube straight off of the rear assembly. (pic#3) Maybe I should explain something else that is not very evident in the pics. There is a steel mounting bracket on the back of the 4" pvc end cap. The 2 stainless steel bolts (pic#3)pass through the flatbar...then the 4" pvc end cap...then the mounting bracket at the back, sandwiching the 3 pieces together. btw....I'm curious too...what is float glass??
  7. dipshwich

    Make Your Own Housings >CHEAP<

    No rubber seals. Instead, I cut two 1/4" rings and used them to sandwich the plexiglass with. (see 4th pic down) I did fill it half full of water, put both end caps on for a test, and there were no leaks. One other thing I should mention is you will need a decent miter saw to get nice square cuts, (especially for the 1/4" rings).
  8. dipshwich

    Make Your Own Housings >CHEAP<

    yea I thought of that too and this is how that works. Notice the flex hose coming out of the back of the housing. I positioned the housing directly under a "vented" section of the soffit. the updraft from the soffit picks up a draft through the flex tube. A "nature blower " I guess, but it works quite well.
  9. dipshwich

    dvr cards on ebay

    I'm just going to bite my tongue here until I can test it and post the facts. I haven't got it yet, and i'm guessing that the seller has them back ordered, or drop shipping problems. (Strike 1) oh, and when I said "hmmm do I need cameras too?"...(in an earlier post)...dat wasa jus suppose to be a reary reary funny joke.
  10. dipshwich

    dvr cards on ebay

    well all I can see so far about how "crappy" these cards are is speculative. No field tested results yet. $35.00 wont buy a case of beer where I live, so if it does indeed turn out to be "crap", I can always relist it on e-bay and spend the proceeds on a 12-pack. On the other hand these dvr cards could turn out to be compareable to the common name brands. Don't count your chickens till their hatched...and don't ask a Ford salesman what he thinks about your Dodge.
  11. dipshwich

    dvr cards on ebay

    well geez, i dunno, do I need cameras too??? No, really i have a Panasonic WB-CP230 and a Yoko YK415HB, both with Computar 10x5~50mm lenses. The DVR card just seemed to be the cheapest way to go about it. My other option would be to purchase a multi channel colour monitor and some sort of motion activated device and a VCR (I think)...and as I mentioned earlier, If there is a better soloution, I'm definitely listening... Go easy on me guys cause I'm as green at this as that Picco 2000 I just bought.
  12. dipshwich

    dvr cards on ebay

    huh?..who me?... I'm just looking for the best soloution to monitor a 2 (outdoor) cam system with motion activation. I would like to know who is coming and going while I'm away a work, without having to view hrs of motionless tape. I did Purchase one of the green cards for $35.00 US (ship included), but it will be 2 weeks before I'll have time to set it up. If there is a better soloution, I'm definitely listening...
  13. I'm just looking for a way to combine my outdoor camera with my computer and have motion sensor capability. The 4 channel 25 FPS cards that are swarming all over Ebay seem to be pretty cheap in price (and probably in quality as well), but, I'm thinking that since a television works at about 30 FPS, it should be fast enough. Just a simple thumbs up or down would be much appreciated...or is my thumb in my a** from lack of knowledge?? Thank You, and thank goodness for this great forum you have!
  14. dipshwich

    dvr cards on ebay

    Well here are the search results for "DVR Cards" on Ebay. 400 + listings from the cheapies (the ones I like to buy), up to the more pricey ones. http://search.ebay.ca/dvr-cards_W0QQfromZR41
  15. I'v read this thread on coax trying to select which one to use. I thought RG6 was better shielded than RG59. Have i been misinformed? If RG6 is aluminum shielding then my question is answered. I know that RG6 is more $$, please...which one??