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Posts posted by tpolus

  1. EXCELLENT replies, thank you very much Tpolus! I looked carefully at the clips you sent and you are bang on. So..... more questions.


    1) Have you tried the GV2008 with software compression? Do you still get the same frame rates and quality? If not how much worse is it?


    2) Have you done direct comparisson between 800's and 1480's in terms of D1 frame rates? I have been told soooo many different things by suppliers, but the goal is max quality in D1.


    I guess when you demostrated that they require such HUGE hard Drive spaces, for customers who need weeks or months of recordings, these cards are not ideal without 10's of TB's of storage!




    1 - No I didn't use GV2008 for software compression, as it seems a bit waste of money. However, to save HDD space, beside above mentioned economical 24h recording mode, it is also possible to record for example 9 cams in DVD quality (HW compr. MPEG2 or MPEG4 ASP) and other 6 cams in normal quality (SW compr. GEOH264 or GEOMPEG4..). I suppose these 6 cams quality is the same as GV1480 and other Combo cards.


    2 - GV1480 in D1 de-interlaced performs about 95-100 fps. In D1 interlaced it performs about 200 fps. This is from official Geovision documentiation for their GV-DVR rack systems (it disappeared suddenly from their webiste).

    GV-800 in D1 de-interlaced performs about 25 fps. In D1 interlaced it performs about 50 fps.

    I confirm these values from my own experiences.


    Yes, most GV2008/16 24h recording systems truly requires couple TBytes of disk space. It's not a big problem in today's SATA and SATA RAID5 world, but still... I'm waiting for Geovision's GV2016 H264 hardware compression card - this compression method will save lot of disk space while giving similar video quality to GV2008.

    Until that time, I really recommend using economic 24h recording mode for GV2008 cards. For most systems, it can help reduce disk space needed to reasonable values like 1 TB per month

  2. Tpolus,. I just watched all of the demo clips you provided, thanks a lot, and there is definitley a difference in color, frame rate and clarity. What resolutions and codecs were they both recorded in (720X480 or 720X480 interlaced). I have noticed on the Gv800's the the still capture of a non moving event is far superior in 720X480 then 720X480 interlaced but not as good for a lot of motion and trying to get the face of a moving person. Do you install many 2008's? Do you find it requires much bigger HDD's compared to the 800?


    No, I don't install many GV2008 - they are too expensive for most of my customers (however, today I received info from Geovision with new lower prices for GV2004 and GV2008 card - good news).


    Unfortunately, it requires much more HDD space than GV800 and GV1480 cards. It's like DVD movie. From my statistics, such configuration:

    - 1 camera

    - D1 resolution

    - DVD quality

    takes about 20-30 MegaBytes of space per 1 minute, depending on the video complexity of course. Geovision says sometimes it's even 30-35 MB/min. For GV2008/16 camera system it could be even 500 GBytes per day (recording 16 cameras nonstop 25/30 fps).


    As you can see, it is worth to use economical 24h recording option (25/30fps when motion detected, few fps when no motion detected).

  3. Thanks a lot for the replies guys. I am aware of all the "sepcification" differences. Thanks for the clips tpolus. I wanted to hear from people with real world experience installing both of them. I have installed 800,1120 and 1240's and have been quite happy but like everyone, i am on a quest for the best recording quality possible. Perhaps after years of installing GV800 cards I have become used to the cards and their quality so it doesn't impress me too much. tpolus, were you blown away with the 2008 or would you say it was only marginally better then say an 800 or 1480?


    Well, it depends. My observations and experiences:



    - GV2008 video resolution - same as GV800 and GV1480 - D1 resolution

    - GV2008 video quality - same as GV1480, which means slightly worse than GV800

    - GV2008 video smoothness - much better than GV1480 and GV800, true real time video even with 16 cameras connected, just as good as DVD movie



    - GV2008 video recording resolution - same as GV800 and GV1480 - D1 resolution

    - GV2008 video recording quality - slightly better than GV800 and GV-1480, smooth object edges, no visible pixels even on enlarged pictures, perfect color rendering (true colors) - the link I sent you before contains pictures with marked mentioned differences, see once again

    - GV2008 video recording smoothness - much better than GV1480 and GV800, true real time video even with 16 cameras connected, just as good as DVD movie.

  4. I am getting a some requests for higher quality video with better fram rates. the systems will record in 720X480. How much better will the quality be on the 2008 be versus the 1480. I have installed many 800's and 1120's, and am just wanting to see or hear about the true difference between the hardware cards and software. At about $1k for a 2008, that's an expensive 8 camera card to "test".


    You can see a comparison of GV-800 and GV-2008 here:

    http://www.polvision.com.pl/files.asp?lang=pl&id=144 (sorry for Polish version, we don't have English version right now, just click POBIERZ button below ZIP icon on the right to download AVI files package).


    GV-1480 video quality is the same as GV-800.

    GV-1480 video smoothness is somewhere between GV-800 and GV-2008 so this demo can help you a bit.

  5. Is it just one cam doing the black screen? Are other cams showing video?


    If others are ok, then check the camera, it could have a problem,can you view the cam direct on a monitor/tv?


    Tried the camera on a TV closeby and camera picture is ok?


    Most probably this is a GV800 card failure after power loss. Ask your GV distributor for a replacement card.

  6. If this is a new Windows install, you need to set up the user account.


    Thanks for the reply Rory

    I did set up accounts but no joy. I re-installed windows and all is fine now.


    Somehow the first re-installation must of messed things up but the second one came right.


    You didn't have to reinstall Windows in such case. You just need to reset account database. You can find a solution here:

    "I cannot login to MultiCam system. What can I do?"


    or ask Rory to send you a special application made by him.

  7. cctv dude


    No I did not check the 'Allow Removal of P/W System'.


    The user manual now says I need to reinstall WINDOWS!


    Do I have to??? Or can I get by with a Geo reinstall???

    When it happed to us, we uninstalled & reinstalled Geo like 10X and nothing worked. We eventually had to format and reinstall win then reinstall Geo...


    This is not neccessary - you can just reset the password database. I know the solution if anyone's interested. But I'd rather not put it here as this is not recommended by Geovision. If you need to reset Geo password, just email me.

  8. These were baluns, not hubs (receivers/tranceivers) so they are obviously lower quality anyway. Client could not afford NVT type gear.


    The only ones I would recommend now though are NVT or Nitek.


    I agree - NVT are great devices, yet very expensive. So it is worth to know other options In case you ask, my company specializes in video UTP transmission from more than 10 years, so we established great technology and very experienced people who know almost everything about that stuff. We'd be glad to advice in case any of you need help in achieving long distances via UTP (couple thousands ft) or fiber optics (dozens of km).

    For example, here is some basic information (FAQ) about UTP transmission (bottom of his page), some of you could be interested:



    Rory, if you like, I can send you samples from our production. Sorry for being commercial here, but it's always better to know about other existing technologies than NVT and Nitek which are very expensive. I'm really sure you'll be delighted because the quality is astonishing. We have parameters even better than NVT (for example we offer direct distances up to 6000 ft and indirect distances - using 2 relay stations - up to 13000 ft, UTP cat5) and the prices are reasonable so you can save money.

    See here:


    (sorry for eventual language mistakes, we don't have much time to work on English documentation)

  9. Help please. The Windows Media player 9 and upgraded to 11 both still cannot play the file. Says Codec downloading error or missing. Any suggestions. File created from V7.05 Geo System.


    Try this player: http://bahamassecurity.com/Geo/GeoPlayer.zip


    Downloaded the file and unzipped it. Gave me a error message "Comdlg32.ocx" or one of its componenents is not correctly registered and will not startup. Please help. Thanks in advance.


    Well... don't know the reason, but I'm sure Rory can help you:


    or contact him via private message:



    Currently, I'm testing such stack 2 x GV-2008 cards (also with MultiQuad card). Recording quality is much better than GV-1480 (MPEG2 makes the whole difference but the storage space needed is extremely high - you know, like DVD). CPU usage is of course lower, PC CPU is used only for live view and that's why live view quality is the same as in GV-1480. Personally, didn't notice any quality improvements here. But for perfetly clear live view I really recommend using GV-MultiQuad. It makes the whole difference.


    So are you saying that the MultiQuad output looks better than the TV out on the Combo Card?


    No, MultiQuad output looks pretty much the same as Combo TV output. In my opinion, it's better than GV-Combo's live view because it's not digitized and compressed.

  11. I looked at the video again, and I checked it's properties and it said it was in a resolution of 720X288. Maybe that's why the quality isn't that great?


    You are right, I can also see that some objects are shrinked in comparison to GV800 recording.


    However, I'm 100% sure both cards recorded in 720x576 PAL D1. Maybe Save as AVI option shrinked it... (but why and why only for GV2008?)

  12. So you would say that the MPEG2 is that much better of quality. I'd really like to see a sample of the hardware and software cards side by side (ie same cam on both). I would order them for a demo but they are very expensive. Too bad Geo didn't have some sample clips or something.


    Okay, I'll prepare some MPEG2 samples on Monday.


    Done. Here are some pictures to compare GV800 and GV2008 quality:



    Camera is 470 TVL. I know - could be better.


    And here is full MPEG2 video from this PTZ camera, recorded using GV-2008 card:

    Mirror1) http://www.geovision.com.tw/geo/temp/MPEG2_sample.Avi

    Mirror2) http://www.fingerprint.com.pl/tomek/MPEG2_sample.avi

  13. Has anyone tried out the new Geo Hardware Compression Cards yet? I'd like to see the video quality comparred to say a GV800.


    Live video:

    - same as in Combo cards, very smooth, picture quality a bit worse than GV800.


    Recorded video:

    - smooth as live view, better than GV800

    - picture quality MPEG4 same as GV800

    - picture quality MPEG2 (VCD or DVD) - much greater DVD quality + possibility to export recorded images to a DVD-Video disc. Huge storage neccessary however.


    AND finally you can create 16 channel system, 400 fps, PAL D1 resolution, using two GV-2008 cards. GV-1480 couldn't do it (CIF resolution only).

  14. I got the system working. I deleted all geo files, installed 7.05, then upgraded to 8.01 then upgraded to 8.1 and its working great. Perhaps the version 7 was just too old to upgrade to 8.1 from. At least it's fixed.


    I had very similar problem. Task Manager showed me GV600.exe started up and closed in just 2 seconds. No error messages. Uninstall, delete files and drivers, install again = no result. Replace install = no result.

    After 2 hours I found a solution - with passuninstall I erased my password database and suddenly everything worked like a charm.

  15. Hi,


    I am starting to think about getting a GV1480 as an upgrade for my GV900 card. I was curious if people like that card, what they cost (dealers feel free to pm me), and if PCI or PCI x is the way to go?





    Exact upgrade to GV900 is GV1240. You can of course buy GV1480 if you want.


    Month ago Geovision stopped their card exchange program, Until then, you could have exchanged GV900 into GV1240 for about 800 USD. Now you need to buy new GV1240 card and sell or trash GV900

  16. the main reason that your active x will not load is you do not have your active x settings enabled.


    go to:



    internet options


    highlight internet

    custom level

    click apply


    there should be about 7 active x settings to enable


    That should work too, but I prefer to add DVR's IP address or DNS name to the Trusted zones in Internet Explorer. It's even recommended for security reasons if you're also using DVR PC as a typical workstation.

  17. One of my customers have forgotten his admin password. I normally setup the system with a admin user name and password for my login purposses and in case some one forgets the password. But this owner changed all my setting and now he forgot his regualar user and admin user password. He cannot minimise his screen and change any other settings what soever. Guys How do I reset his passwords so that admin activities can be taken care of.




    I cannot login to MultiCam system. What can I do?


  18. I haven't tried your suggestions yet,


    but I read in the internet, that the effect we have on our screen might be "tearing". I wonder why I have horizontal tearing at the crt screen and diagonal tearing at the TFT screen.


    what do you think?


    Please try to record this and send us the link so we could see.
