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Posts posted by tpolus

  1. I know this was covered back in Nov but did not see a definitive answer.


    I have a customer who had a admin password issued to an employeewho has since departed. I have an admin account on the machine Ver 7.05 but I cannot get in to get rid of or disable the other admin account. Any ideas if someone wants to PM me that would be fine also. I don't want to reload this whole system if I can avoid it.


    Weird... I thought admin can remove all other accounts...


    Maybe try this solution:



    Of course, you will need to recreate all accounts but it's always better than reinstall.

  2. sounds interesting. we don't use h.264, we use MPEG 4 ASP. Does ASP encode it diagonally, too? I will try MPEG4 and see, if it'll change.


    we tried on different PCs: single core, dual core etc. (all intel) - the same problem but only with high speed domes with high speed! nobody have experienced these type of problems?


    we use also low speed domes - there we don't have any problems


    I'll try to change the codec and let you know...


    I also haven't experienced these type of problems. It really seems to be software related. Try to switch to Wavelet, MPEG4 or GeoMPEG4. If it helps, try to reinstall all codecs from C:\GV-xxx\InstallCodec folder.

  3. hi tpolus,


    that sounds good to me. I have 2 questions on that topic:


    1) We don't want to use 2 screens: is it possible to use a cctv flat screen with BNC and VGA Input to connect the MultiQuad-Card to the BNC (for live-view) and the VGA to the GV-Card for recording and then to switch at the screen between live-modus (BNC) and recording modus (VGA)?


    2) Very important: how do you control the live-screen via MultiQuad-Card? For example, I want to change between 16-picture screen to 1-picture screen?


    1. Don't know the cctv flat screen you got there, depends if it's easy to switch between VGA and BNC... But yes, I think it will be possible. In this case, you most probably don't need GV-MultiQuad... GV-Combo card will be enough... (GV-1120, GV-1240, GV-1480, GV2004, GV-2008). All GV-Combo cards has TV-OUT connectors like this:


    So, just use "CVBS (composite) to BNC" changer to connect this TV-OUT with your cctv flat screen BNC input.


    2. MultiQuad is only for viewing and automatic scanning, no system controls. You control MultiQuad live views via control panel on VGA monitor.

  4. I dont know the engineering behind it, but hardware compression is supposed to be better quality .. perhaps due to the On Chip RTOS and its compression methods. The Geo's come in 4 and 8 channel cards, you can stack 2x 8 channel cards to make 16.


    Currently, I'm testing such stack 2 x GV-2008 cards (also with MultiQuad card). Recording quality is much better than GV-1480 (MPEG2 makes the whole difference but the storage space needed is extremely high - you know, like DVD). CPU usage is of course lower, PC CPU is used only for live view and that's why live view quality is the same as in GV-1480. Personally, didn't notice any quality improvements here. But for perfetly clear live view I really recommend using GV-MultiQuad. It makes the whole difference.

  5. well, I read the topics and I found it very interesting,

    many of our clients say about the live screen quality: poor quality - and they are right

    but, what about the future: IP cameras? with them, you can't than use a combination of multiplexer for example and digital videosystem, because the live picture will be already compressed.

    So for my understanding, it can't be "the future" to combine a new geovision system with old BNC multiplexter technique.


    Is there no way to get a better live picture out of the GV-System? What about the DVI-Combo cards? or the PCI-Express Cards: do theey produce a better picture???

    it is not nice...


    You are 100% right, but now there is a solution for professionals. New GV-Multi Quad card gives you great quality picture (analog picture, no compression, no digital processes) on 5 different monitors (BNC), auto scanning, sequences, quads/splits. I tested it personally and it really rocks:


  6. Anyone ever used this product? How does it work?


    I used it for myself and installed it for some of my customers. They are all very satisfied with the product. It really hits 95%, depending on device placement and weather (if outdoor). But I always strictly followed advices given by Geovision guys, when choosing and installing LPR cameras and other stuff. It's very important. You can see some technicals here:



    The products is fast, stable, reliable and very flexible. Can be integrated with other IT systems via Access database (MDB), MS-SQL (available soon), RS232 and text file (e.g. for scripting). Thanks to possible cooperation between Multicam I/O ports and LPR I/O ports, you can build some logic into your LPR applications, for example we successfully use it to control traffic through truck weigh systems.


    What's more, some companies in Poland, which specilize in traffic and LPR systems, after just few weeks of testing, switched to GV-LPR systems, instead of their own solutions.


    One thing they could make better and more professional is GUI - user interface looks like a toy for me but it's definitely not a toy.

  7. This is strange. I have a computer on the LAN and for some reason i get a password error on that machine only. All other computers on the LAN can access just fine.


    Any suggestions on what is going on and a fix?


    I'll probably try deleting all the geo files and see what happens.


    Few of my customers had the same problem. We solved it this way:


    1. Write down (on paper) all your existing GV user accounts.

    2. Goto config > Password setup > Local account edit.

    3. Select option "Allow removing password system" (bottom of the window, see here: http://www.polvision.com.pl/faqs.asp?lang=en&id=58).

    4. Goto C:\GV-1480 folder (or similar GV-250, GV-800 etc)

    5. Execute PassUninstall.exe file to erase all your existing accounts.

    6. Run Geovision using default admin password (like first run)

    7. Create all your accounts once again, reading them from paper.


    I hope this will help you.

  8. There is an option in the main GV software on version 8.1, which should be out soon.


    Where is this option in 8.1 version? I cannot find it


    Geo support response:

    "The main purpose of software watchdog is to protect your system and keep running DVR system without error, we thought it is not a good idea to disable this function.


    However, at version 8.1, you may disable this function as you wish, but you can't disable it before version 8.1."

  9. In older versions the geohealth.ini file located in the windows directory had a line "usesoftwatchdog=1", if I recall correctly changing the 1 to a 0 would disable the automatic reboot. I don't know if this applies to version 8 but you could try it.


    Doug L



    Sorry to ask this question if a solution was already posted. I tried a search and could not find an answer.

    How do you turn off the automatic reboot when there is a video loss?


    Thanks for any help and if there is a posting on this can you direct me to it.


    I just tested this option (UseSoftWatchDog=) in 7.0 and 8.0 Geo software. This option is available in both versions in C:\WINDOWS\GeoHealth.ini file and set to =1 by default. It works the same for both versions.


    If you change this option to =0 when GV system is running, then GV system will still reboot and when starting up again, it will change this option back to =1. The same if you change it when GV system is not running: it will change this option back to =1 when starting up.


    I tried to put Read-Only attribute to this file, then GV system didn't change this option back to default =1. Still, system rebooted. Funny


    Then, I tried renaming this file: C:\GV800\DMHealthSvr.exe to some other name (e.g. DMHealthSvr.bak). GV system rebooted as usual, but didn't startup again automatically...


    No solution till now. Sent a question to Geo support. Any other ideas?

  10. Update:

    The "ModemBlaster" USB modem (available through Best Buy) does indeed work with Geovison. No special modem setup is needed (just standard Win XP install). Once Geo is configured; upon motion detection (or other defined instances), Geo dials out via the USB modem and plays the selected wave file.


    Can you send us the exact model/type so I can update the compatible modem list? Thanks.

  11. I'll ask the question again......Original post was about 2 months ago)


    Has anyone been able to get an external USB voice modem to fully work with a Geo card? If so, what is the exact type of modem? Geo's website answer is not to helpful.


    No serial ports on the motherboad, no more internal PCI slots left open.




    From what I know from their support, only ZyXel or Lucent modems are supported. Maybe this will help you little bit when looking for aprropriate device:


  12. Hmmm. Yep, forgot about that one.


    You still can't run the newer software though can you?


    For the amount of money the GV-250 costs though who cares. I wouldn't.


    Geo has plenty of features with the current release for people using that card and for people who want an inexpensive solution.


    From what I know, all GV250 cards support Multicam 8.0. See this table:



    I suppose this is because pirates are not so interested in GV250 cards and they don't require advanced antipiracy features, which were installed on GV600/650/800 etc. Maybe GV250 is too cheap to counterfeit it

  13. (...)

    They probably figure that most security professionals will want the latest hardware and software to offer their new clients. As well as create a new revenue stream for themselves and their many partners. The home owner or small business will probably be content with what they have now?


    Probably yes. However, many existing users bring this argument: they bought Geovision mostly because of the free software updates, which usually bring new functionality.


    Now they cannot make use of the 8.0 features, so they feel robbed. To be precise, not all of them, because GV250 users are still happy. So it's not that the company cheats its customers, it's just the piracy war made them to change hardware, which never comes free.


    The other thing is the proposed card exchange prices are fixed too high. This is why users in Poland will not be interested in exchanging their cards.

  14. Nope. No confirmation from any source.


    We have to wait for them to return from their chineese new year unless someone else has confirmation from them.


    How about you Scott? Do you have any information in regards to this?






    The official answer is YES, GV-Combo with 8.0 supports NVIDIA VGA cards.


    "Dear Sir,


    For the Nvidia issue encounter in the previous software

    version, our engineering has now solved the issues with 8.0

    software drivers.


    Therefore, the Nvidia should have any further problems when

    8.0 comes out.


    Just some additional information to clarify the information

    provided and please let us know if there is any further doubts.


    Best regards,


    GeoVision Technical Support"

  15. Rename Version 7.1 to 8.0

    Version 7.1 will be renamed to v8.0, due to more features incorporated in the original v7.1. The version 8.0 will present you with comprehensive and overwhelming video surveillance features you will ever expect from security surveillance functionality. The new version is expected to release within February.


    If it has overwhelming features, it just has to include that support.




    Well... I wouldn't be so sure. I received beta 8.0 documentation from Geovision and it doesn't say a word about NVIDIA VGA cards....

    Is your information confirmed at The Source?

  16. Tomasz, heard of that incident in Poland, dont think you are near it, but please check in with us.. thanks






    Katowice - it's 400 km (250 miles) from me. Something terrible happened, the hall roof fell down during some big exhibition. About 1000 people were inside (fortunately not 8000 people like couple hours before the accident). 128 people are in hospitals fighting for life and 65 people are already dead. The numbers are still increasing while removing building parts.


    I know these numbers cannot be compared to other terrible tragedies like WTC, but still this is the biggest tragedy in Poland since 1986 when some plane crashed. Poland is in mourning for 3 days.


    Thanks for asking.

  17. If you have physical root access to the system you can't design a password system that isn't crackable.


    I agree. Even passwords contained in Windows local security subsystem can be reset in just few seconds (considering physical access). Cracking passwords is a completely different case, it takes months/years - even on powerful machines, because system does not keep passwords but password hashes which are impossible to revert. They must be compared to other password hashes in a loop. Finally, if one of these hashes comply to a hash stored in the security account database - password is found and cracked. This process can last very very long, depending on the password complexity and the machine CPU power.


    In my opinion, Geovision should think about running their systems on a user account instead of powerful administrator account. But I'm affraid it's science fiction for now - they have a weird security point of view. For example, they prefer not to differentiate between capital and small letters in their passwords, because most Geo users are having trouble remembering the passwords


    Fortunately, we can always use KeyLock utility to protect our Geovision systems, while not giving admin priviledges to system operators.

  18. Well, like i said, the program I have (and alot of you guys too) works ..


    Does Geovision know about it? Their support didn't mention its existance which is not a suprise - it simply means their password system is vulnerable


    Very interesting. Is it some kind of registry modification?


    Would it be possible for you to send me a link to this utility? I could publish it with neccessary information (not forgetting you are the author). in my article. I'm sure it will help many people in such stupid situations like forgetting the admin password

  19. :lol:


    Must congratulate you on your website, really impressive.


    Thank you, doing my best

    I know it still needs lot of attention on the graphics side, but currently I'm busy trying to make it helpful for Geovision installers.

  20. without being able to completely check it out, as im not formating my PC right now, or going more indepth into it, there is a list of files in the %windows% folder that Geo looks for, and they are all configuration files. Anytime you make changes those .ini files are updated. Im sure there may be a way to change the location it looks for, but it will require some further research.




    One of my customers (integrators who wants to put XP system on CF card) has the same problem and asked me for help recently. I couldn't help him so I contacted Geo Suppport. Their official response is:

    "For your question concerning being able to direct the ini files, unfortunately it has been our software's specification to create these files under windows folder. Even with the use of SDK, there is still no way to redirect these ini files. "


    They don't even consider changing this default folder - too much work, too much money they said. It's a bit unprofessional in my opinion.


    I told my customer to check such solution as REPARSE POINTS (or junction points), available in Windows 2000/XP/2003. It makes possible to redirect files and folders on disk. More info at Google:



    Application from Sysinternals:



    Implementation in C for Windows 200/XP Driver Developement Kit:



    I still have no answer from this customer and I have no time to find out myself. Worth to try IMO.

  21. I heard that if I want to upgrade from version 6 to version 7 of Geovision I need a "usb dongle". What does this dongle do and what does it look like? Does anyone have a picture of one? I guess I need to contact my distributor and buy one. How much are they usually?




    It depends on the card model and version. For example, all GV250 SP-chip don't need USB dongles, most other cards do. It's hard to explain all the rules of update, but I'm sure you'll get them from this table. Tried to make it easy to understand:



    Actually, from what I know, USB dongles will not be supplied anymore starting from the official release of MultiCam 7.1(8.0) - probably beginning of February. So I guess it's better to think about exchanging the card to a new one for about 40% of the price, participating in Old-For-New program, which starts at the very same moment. Just keep your eyes open.

  22. Has anyone got these application to work to view there cameras? I have tried both. Seems XP Pro Remote Desktop doesn't suppoet video overlay, so I tried pcAnywhere 11.5 which i thought supported video overlay and 1024x768 (my DVR card softwere needs to be set at 1024x768) . I can see everything BUT the camera's video. Any suggestion or other remote software? Thanks, Paul


    There are many solutions but personally I don't like pcAnywhere. I'd rather use VNC (many versions) or Remote Administrator. Besides, Geovision's MultiCam 7.1(8.0) contains Remote Desktop DVR (one session only, like XP). Nice feature and will be available very soon.

  23. Right, but neither of those were the issue. It worked on some machines, but not others. All machines were running the identical OS (XP SP2) with identical security settings. All computers were on the same local network. Some comptuers were behaving differently. I never figured it out. Upgrading to version 7 fixed it up.


    Are you sure they had identical settings?


    Probably your new version is 7.05 which already contains updated Verisign certificate. In my case, until Geo support told me the thing about certificate, I solved my problem by modifing system security settings - options "download unsigned activex controls" and "initialize and script activex controls not marked as safe for scripting".
