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Everything posted by catseyenu

  1. My DS-7608NI-SE / P has the BBRR and it upgraded to 2.3.8 with no problems. Did you check if your flash drive was compatible?
  2. Will the European firmware work with the Chinese version?
  3. Anyone have a camera set up to test this?
  4. catseyenu

    Camera Calculator

    From a small business & homeowner perspective this really helps visualize. Thank you!
  5. The whole fiasco has kind of soured me on Hikvision, apart from the CBX magic I'd be an unhappy camper. I've had 5 cams region fixed and will have at least 3 more in the near future. A separate fix for FTP and line traversal would certainly be appreciated.
  6. Have you tried it out and noticed any differences?
  7. catseyenu

    I need solution for my DVR

    You will have to upload the picture where we can see it. Maybe copy and save to your computer and use the "Upload attachment" feature below from where you post. In Windows 7 I think you will need to enable logging of dropped packets to see if ping is blocked. Sorry, I have not used Windows since XP. This may help. Enabling Windows firewall "dropped packets" log http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-security/enabling-windows-firewall-dropped-packets-log/d5f5c60e-2bd6-42d1-ab7d-5c5cc95cf8ca
  8. catseyenu

    I need solution for my DVR

    This is what a blocked ping (ICMP) looks like in my firewall log. (I have removed my personal IP address).
  9. catseyenu

    I need solution for my DVR

    Have you looked at your router log to see if ping (ICMP) is blocked or allowed there? What operating system is your computer? For example, Windows OS has a built in firewall that could be blocking pings. If your OS has a software firewall you will need to look at those logs also for blocked ping (ICMP).
  10. catseyenu

    I need solution for my DVR

    What brand and model is your NVR? How are your computer and NVR networked? Are you connected through an ethernet cable to a router with both? Is your computer behind a firewall that blocks ping?
  11. catseyenu

    I need solution for my DVR

    Sir, I've done this for how many times. But still the problem occurs. Maybe i have problems with my hardwares. First we must understand what your network looks like in order to understand what might be happening. What is the IP address of the computer you try to ping from? If it is not on the same subnet as the NVR the two will not "see" each other. If your NVR is on 192.168.1.xxx then your computer must be on 192.168.1.xxx.
  12. It's interesting that they don't list a model number on it.
  13. catseyenu

    POE Switch Uplink?

    I'm new to POE and am unclear on how they work. I have a Hikvision 8CH DS-7608NI-SE/4P (4 POE ports). If I keep it I'll need another POE device for anything over 4 cameras. 1. Do all POE switch ports function as potential uplinks to my network? Looking at the TRENDnet TPE-S44 Unmanaged Switch for example. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833156229&cm_re=poe_switch-_-33-156-229-_-Product Can anyone explain the difference between the 2 different types of ports? Would a unit like this serve as well? http://www.ebay.com/itm/151236976714 2. Running the Hikvision 3MP cams, will the POE switch need or benefit substantially from a gigabit POE switch or are the 10/100 switches okay? 3. I will most likely only need 1 or 2 cams attached through the POE switch. Any recommendations on a reliable unit with bang for buck in mind? Thanks!
  14. Of course, this I understand. You said some power supplies were under powered (had issues?). Which PS and is there any discussion links about this?
  15. I wonder if these POE modules are available for "repair" purposes.
  16. You would have to buy the "DS-7616NI-SE/P with 8 independent 100Mbps PoE Ethernet interfaces" to get the 8 POE ports. I have not used this company but as you noted they seem reputable from their feedback.
  17. First I've heard of this... do you have any details on this?
  18. Tell the seller you want your money back with no fee retun shipping or you will contest/deny the charge on your CC. They sold you a cheaper China region camera. DS-2CD3132-I is not an internationally available model, I believe it is a China only version of DS-2CD2132-I. Who is this shady seller?
  19. Looking for information on "Dual VCA (Video Content Analysis)" and found this. http://www.ex-sight1.com/products/IP/VideoAnalytics.pdf These camera's are getting very interesting.
  20. No problems, thank you for sharing your work.
  21. It could be... Does it make sense to preemptively auto block an address with no complaints or history of abuse? To an email admin, possibly yes. To the innocent customer, no. Until I have email alerts working consistently I can not work on adjusting the alert levels. It's a catch 22.
  22. For some reason I am unable to reach http://itunedvr.ru . My ISP (AT&T) is possibly blocking or having it's usual poor routing failure? Using The Wayback Machine to archive & view I see attachments that I have no permission to view?
  23. I have failure on test with gmail, yahoo, ISP and 2 private domains. Note: test failures (in browser to camera & IVMS) doesn't mean in all cases that emails are not sent. FWIW, it was pointed out to me that setting the NVR to defaults after (before?) a firmware upgrade will keep old settings from interfering with new firmware setup. This is likely true with the cameras as well. I am to the point of wiping everything and starting over to ensure I'm not carrying ghosts from past configurations.
  24. http://www.blacktracking.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/iVMS-5200-introduction.pdf