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Everything posted by jeromephone

  1. jeromephone

    Help: 24VAC to 12VDC?

    What voltage do you need 24volt ac or 12 volt DC? You can get a converter to go from 24volt ac to 12 volt DC I am not familiar with units using 12vac
  2. we still run siamese for a lot of analog cameras. cat 6 for POE and have run a lot of cameras to a power supply using siamese and then sent the signal across a long distance using baluns.
  3. Altronix makes a multi output isolated power supply so the install would be just one box. We only use an isolated power supply for our analog cameras and it seems to have eliminated any ground loop problems. I am not a fan of useing 24 ga wire for power but a lot of people do.
  4. in my opinion an ideal network would have seperate networks for IP Phones, Data and video. However I am not fully up to speed on vlans etc. I would also think the type of cable installed would have something to do with your decision. If it is Cat 5 instead of cat 6. Or you may have one of the few installs that are cat 7.
  5. jeromephone

    More for the Installation Hall of Shame

    Beam clamps anyone? clamp a piece of plywood and screw the camera down. Might look like crap but will not fall off when the oil in the paint eats up the glue in the double sided tape.
  6. jeromephone

    MSRP and CCTV debate

    This is a bit confusing. 1. You have to make money to stay in business. So if I sell 5 cameras and mark them up 10% and charge 200 per hour for my labor my bottem line price is still the same. Anything you purchase has to have a markup. Cost of transaction, cost of money, office overhead testing product etc. I have heard that a minimum markup on products of the type we sell is 25 per cent. Policy on equipment purchased elsewere no warrentee, higher labor rate. higher markup on replacement parts Product purchased through us parts and labor warrenteed for X years. Purchase through repudable channels warrentees, returns and access to quality technical support.
  7. jeromephone

    Holidays are over, time to get back to working.

    I got some stuff left over from the 2000 bug that wiped out all the computers in the world
  8. jeromephone

    Which UTP cable CCA or annealed Cu?

    Stranded is usually used for patch cords you Do not want copper clad alum buy a solid copper core cable we stick with brand names purchased from a major supply house. Usually end up with General. CCA may not pass local codes.
  9. jeromephone

    white line across the screen

    Didnyou try another camera on that cable? If you get the same problem it might be a bad cable or bad channel on the dvr
  10. We do a lot of Panduit terminations and they are a lot better than punching down a keystone jack, less punching holes in your hand bad punchdown blades etc. Panduit and others make a weatherprooof jack housing. I have to come down on the side of not making your own patch cords. factory made are just too cheap to fool with them.
  11. jeromephone

    Flipping the image upside down?

    I have seen some cameras that ask if you are mounting the camera to the ceiling. I would look through all the submenues on the OSD and you may well find this setting.
  12. Altronix makes a wide selection of power supplies they have several different 16 channel with various amp rateings.
  13. switch out the trendnet POE switch for a Netgear. Have had bad luck trendnet no problems with netgear.
  14. jeromephone

    lightning protection both ends of cable

    few planes are lost to lightening. flying into know ice, turblent winds in thunderstorms flying in clouds when not rated and running out of fuel are a few popular ones but not lightening. most of the time a strike is dissipates over the skin of the plane maybe taking out radios but usually that is all. Most composite planes have a wire mesh just for this reason.
  15. jeromephone

    Open Doors wirelessly

    many of the bigger systems allow you to lock unlock doors from the admin software If this is the case it might be easier to give them the software than try and figure out a wireless solution.
  16. jeromephone

    HDMI (format not supported)????????

    my laptop has an HDMI out but no HDMI in
  17. jeromephone

    lightning protection both ends of cable

    whatever you do provide the correct protection to prevent a person being killed or injured. Look at some of the offering from itw or diteck. We install phone systems and always provide surge protection on the power as well as co or t1 lines the over the years we have had some of the protectors fried but it has not gotten to the equipment. except in the case of a direct hit on a customers steel tower. took out all phone lines all data switches and the phone system. Protection probably prevented a fire but the voltage/amp was so great it still got the equipment. Also look at you local and national electric codes they may have some requirements.
  18. jeromephone

    More for the Installation Hall of Shame

    The Walmart guys must not know what a beam clamp is.
  19. jeromephone

    RG59 Siamese Cable

    if it is copper clad steel I would stay away from it. How much do you save over buying from a well know supply house?
  20. jeromephone

    Buying Servers or Building?

    we buy from one of our suppliers we don't do enough to get really good prices on components and I like the idea of having a warrentee that covers everything. HD goes out or problem with capture card I deal with only one entity. I think if you do enough building your own will save you money
  21. jeromephone

    RG59 Siamese Cable

    Is that cable copper shield and center and are the 18 ga stranded copper. ?
  22. jeromephone

    keyscan trouble

    They are usually pretty good about walking you through this type of thing. Check your chip as one of the panels may be set for a different format (indala)
  23. you can get an underground cable locator starting at about 250.00 on up maybe you can rent one. If these cables are not cat five direct bury rated you are wasting your time i would not trust them if somebody did not take the time to put in conduit which is cheap but protects the cable from your locating tool (shovel) as well as provides a means to add additional if needed.
  24. I agree with the other posters. the conference room auditorim equipment is better suited for this type of project. We have done a couple of installs of this type and could not make cctv stuff work exactly right.