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  1. gmcmurry

    Help Me Pick Some Hardware

    Do you mean like the EV-16250N? Looks pretty good to me. Greg
  2. gmcmurry

    Help Me Pick Some Hardware

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.. Greg
  3. gmcmurry

    Help Me Pick Some Hardware

    I figured it would be installed on most computers. Game playing, etc... G
  4. gmcmurry

    Help Me Pick Some Hardware

    Thanks for the reply. I have no problem with ActiveX I just don't want to have to install special viewing software.. I would like to be able to access the system from ANY computer at an Internet Cafe for example. Does anyone have any favorite sources or models they would recommend? Or models they would stay away from? I would like a non-windows version -- imbedded linux for example. Greg
  5. Greetings from a NEW GUY! I am pretty experienced when it comes to pushing video over the internet. I have had webcams since the internet was invented. I even have multiple cameras running and controllable through a PC and my own code at my home. Home made switchers, etc. I would like to buy a stand alone DVR / Camera controller that is more robust than a system running on a PC. I need to install this in my vacation home and it needs to run for weeks on end without any attention. Here are the basic features I want... 1. 16 analog video channels 2. ptz pelco camera controls 3. recording capable (one internal drive and perhaps external USB drives) 4. network capable (internet with fixed IP, etc) 5. viewable over internet with normal browser without special software (this may be the hard part) There are many units I see in magazines and on ebay. One in particular is the APEX which does most of what I want except that you need special software on the remote PC to view. Not a deal breaker but really not what I would like. The unit is about $700 with no drive. Not a bad price at all. I would love to be able to log in to a system through a browser interface that requires no software on the remote viewing computer. Thanks in advance for anyone that would care to give me some advice. Greg