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  1. allprolab

    Question on infrared lights on outdoor camera...

    Thanks for the answer, it's what I wanted to hear. Right now I don't have any more specific questions. I'm trying to research things to get a better understanding of CCTV and then I'm sure I'll have some questions!
  2. Are the led lights always on or are they motion sensor? And are the lights sorta noticeable or highly noticeable or in between?
  3. allprolab

    Advice on a basic system...

    I hear what you're saying. I am not an expert on electronics but I do know a thing or two. (have a respectable home theater). I called and talked to my step dad about his systems at each of his stores. Turns out he has an extra DVR he's going to send me. So now I am in the market for some decent cameras. By saving on the DVR I want to put all of my budget into some decent cameras, which should get me better cameras then I would by buying a complete system. Not sure what model or brand it is but he bought it at sams club. I know he has hooked up different cameras to it so I'm sure I can find some good ones that will work for it. I'd be more then happy to buy from someone on here if they could help me decide what cameras will suit me best.
  4. Hi... Looking for a basic but reliable system. I don't need anything to fancy just as long as it does the trick. I want to set up three cameras outside and one inside. The three outside ones I want to have night vision on but I don't need for them to make out too much detail. Just as long as I can see if something is going on/see a person. Two of the outside cameras would be faced at doors and the other would be pointed towards my yard, which is fairly large. I don't expect to get the whole yard in view though. The inside camera can be whatever. It's just to monitor my dogs. Would like it to be a standalone dvr that has remote viewing. My budget is around $500. Can this be done? Any thought or inputs would be greatly appreciated.