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  1. Very strange thing. One video output cycled the cameras. The other one showed all cameras simultaneously. But I couldn't choose any single one. Anyway, I followed the guides, but the installer did change every password. Admin / admin didn't work. So I disassembled the unit, found the "reset" jumper (in a different position than what the guide said, but then again, it was a different unit). Everything was fine afterwards! I connected my PC, searched for the video, and I did hit paydirt - the car of the burglars, the time they did it, how they broke in, and how they tried to remove the cameras. Interestingly enough, when they were removing the camera, it fell on one of the burglars' faces, so we got an amazing close up. I cannot thank you enough for your help. Seriously.
  2. Thank you very much, I appreciate your help a lot! Hopefully, we'll find out what happened.
  3. Hello, First post here. I have a problem, and I'm trying to get some help. A professional installer did a 4 camera installation with the CPD 500W unit. We found out our installations were robbed yesterday night, and the cameras were all broken, all except for one of them. We tried to contact the installer, but he's probably out of business. He doesn't answer his phone, and the company is nowhere to be found. The unit is still in recording mode, and there's still one camera working. It's possible it captured some of the break-in. Anyway, whenever we try to play the recordings, we get a "beep" from the unit, and nothing happens. I've downloaded a manual for the unit, but it doesn't say a thing about our situation. Nothing works - no menu, no camera switch, no nothing. All I get are "beeps". I suppose the installer changed the default pasword for the unit. But he didn't leave us any documentation whatsoever. What are our chances of getting back the video? What can se do? thanks for your help.