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Everything posted by calusa

  1. Ex. like this http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140367496425&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT or this http://www.conrad.de/ce/de/product/150249/SW-KAMERA-MODUL-P-CAM103/SHOP_AREA_37351 im also search for a 1Ch video server module like this http://www.videoueberwachungstechnik-profi.de/videoueberwachung/info/p1527_173-82-IP-Server-1-Kanal.html
  2. Hello, I am looking for small and cheap camera modules and av transmitters such as this. S_W_KAMERA_MODUL_P_CAM103 regards Daniel
  3. calusa


    Are you sure?
  4. calusa


    Hello, maybe you can help me? Does anyone know the manufacturer of these devices? dealextreme com/details.dx/sku.11461 tayx co uk/wireless-camera/spy-camera-pen.html tayx co uk/wireless-camera/dvr-receiver-recorder.html Thanks Daniel
  5. calusa

    DR4N HDD Error

    Hi, I'm new here in this forum and hope you can help me. I have a digital recorder DR4N, with three 500GB hdds. Unfortunately, these are no longer playing, because the disks individually connected to the device. The data on disks are available (I can see this on a UNIX system), but unfortunately not the index. When you connect all three plates is only one recognized. Two wants the system format. Additional question: How can I export data faster? 1.5 TB to a Windows format. - Network only 8kb / s - is limited. - USB also slowly I hope you can help me. The support of DR4N (Ganz) could not. Thanks Daniel