Hopefully, you've figured it out. If not, try this:
At the SITE Location:
1. As mentioned from other post, you MUST port forward to a "private IP" on your DVR system. Go into your router and setup port forwarding similar to this:
a. Assign name like "DVR System"
b. Choose protocol "TCP"
c. Assign private IP of DVR system "" for example. Remember that you must first configure the network adapter on the DVR (assign IP, Subnet, Gateway, and DNS values. Do this first and make sure you can browse Internet before proceeding with above items.
2. Remember to assign "Site Code" to the DVR system in setup. "100-001" for example.
At the Center Location (remote system)
1. Go to the "Connect" option of the Center program.
2. ADD a Remote Site. Assign Static IP of "Site" system (70.143.XXX.XX or whatever) and "Site Code (MUST match site 100-001)"
3. Also, enter password of "1234" (Thanks BOB the B for this one) I still haven't figured out how to change this.
Anyway, I think that covers it. If all is well you should get in to DVR. Remember to configure firewall or temporarily disable while testing connection.