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  1. cctvexchange

    Remote Viewing (DDNS & port forwarding

    Yes, the ones that have it built in are awesome. I access my home DVR through a LinkSys with the DynDNS. org setup. Super slick, easy and hasn't gone down once.
  2. cctvexchange

    help needed for my dvr system

    As far as I know, there isn't a way to store video in a remote location using the Kodicom/Diginet software. What's the reason you want to do this? Security of the video? Mount the DVR in a thick lockbox in an "undisclosed location" (i.e. ceiling tiles, under a desk, etc).
  3. cctvexchange

    Kodicom WebDVR

    its using static IP. firewall isn't on too And you have EVERYTHING set up the same? Static internal, static external, forwarded port 80 to the internal IP within the router setup?
  4. Yes, if you can see the video in the motion setup, you have an issue with the video card and/or drivers. Glad you got it fixed!
  5. cctvexchange


    Which codec are you using? If you add the DivX codec to it, it'll go quite a bit faster if you are using the "Windows MPEG1" or whatever is usually standard.
  6. Can you see the video in the setup screen where you adjust your motion setup?
  7. cctvexchange

    kodicom remote viewing

    The WebDVR works over port 80. The ports 8080-8090 are for the Center software as you noted.
  8. cctvexchange

    Remote Viewing (DDNS & port forwarding

    Kodicom's DDNS service is not good, plain and simple. As far as I understand (and this is from several years ago when they added this), it's all done through Korean servers which are up and down more than ___________ (insert Paris Hilton or similar joke here) and very slow. Either way, a Linksys router with DynDNS. org support is BY FAR the quickest, easiest and most reliable way to fix this problem without resorting to paying for a static IP address. I believe the DynDNS solution is better since most people can remember a web address easier than a random set of numbers to punch into IE when using another PC. Good luck.
  9. Do you have the driver pack? The drivers aren't in the software install .exe from Kodicom (site or center).
  10. cctvexchange

    Kodicom WebDVR

    Do you have your DVR set with a static IP or did it just pop up with that IP address once? Also, be sure the Windows Firewall isn't on. That is one most people don't check since it comes from XP on by default.