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Everything posted by JohnHamer1977

  1. Hi, I have a 4ch Avtech 782. I have it set to continually record 4 cameras and OW the hard drive. The bundled software is called Video Server E I would like to know how to time search. I had it up once but don't know how I did it. It's confusing as there are 2 ways to a lot of the functions. One way is through the interface buttons (under where it displays the pics from the cameras). And the other way is when you click on a button top right labled SYSTEM CONFIG when you hover over it. It's often easier to use the system config route as you can use your mouse and keyboard to input/select/change things where as the other way it's very annoying as you have to use the up and down buttons and increase values using the plus and minus buttons. I can find time search through the buttons interface (SEARCH > TIME > ENTER > then put int the time you want to playback using the up across and+ - buttons). BUT... I want to know how to get to it the other way!!! I know it's there I have seen it LOL it's in a similar type screen as the network back up... but you don't have to download it to the PC's and play it back, it just jumps to the date and time you have selected plays it back within the Video Server E screen. hope that makes sense to someone - cheers
  2. JohnHamer1977

    Video Server E - how do I time search?

    I don't get any anti virus messages myself mate
  3. JohnHamer1977

    Video Server E - how do I time search?

    Time search isn't in search list. Don't know why, all the other searches are - stupid isn't it. But, good news is I've found it... it's the little E button bottom right, when you hover over it it is called "search dvr video data". I think the user interface with this software needs tweaking, everything is there but it could just be soo much easier.