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  1. Thanks for the feedback, to everyone! I eventually bought second hand gear. After much research I chose to go for a Dedicated Micros solution. I bought a BX2, since it does everything I consider that I need and then some! It is a reconditioned unit, but for the bargain price of £300 even if it only lasts for a year or two I will be happy. I got some second hand Sanyo cameras, the guy I bought them from was very kind, he helped me out snce I'm starting a new business on a very tight (almost nothing) shoe string budget. When I get more flush with beer tokens I will buy more cameras from him and give him some proper money. I've also offered to build a computer for him at cost - which will be nice for him since he's into serious kit for his gaming. I got a Vista housing, very nice, but unfortunately I might not be able to use it - long story about space reequirements vs glass. Once again, thanks to all for your help. Nick
  2. Hi everyone, my first post here, looking for someone with patience to help please. I need CCTV for a shop selling services on expensive kit. The property is alarmed etc but the CCTV will be indicated on the front door and a monitor/TV hanging high on the rear wall where even passers by will be able to see it. So it will be mostly a visual deterrent, but I fear that one day it will be necessary for evidence. I also want to be able to logon remotely and see “what’s happening.â€