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Everything posted by Twilo123

  1. they lent us an auto dome for 2 months to integrate it into our mobile phone apps. we actually just presented to them at their annual conference a couple of days ago in PA. not sure about RF but the quality was solid. response from a joystick was instantaneous. you can use vidos or web page to view along with our app now. we only support full ptz on Blackberry right now. the other phones types are being worked on now but all support direct jpg stream (Android, Blackberry, Iphone, WinMo). there was no maintenance required during the time we had it. we had a demo unit so it was basically setup right in the box on a flip up pole. setup was not too complicated if you have worked with these types of units before. vidos has tons of configuration options although we couldn't get their mpg4 streams in our app; however it works fine in vidos/IE. the video is labeled in sectors which i have not seen before. i never bothered to ask them about it as we were swamped with Q&A at the conference and didn't have much free time.
  2. In case anyone is interested here is the thread: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=17516
  3. a couple of notes on it so far from what i have been reading. the codec support at this time will lack h264 so for video surveillance that is pretty bad. it's basically MS going against this codec and they are part of the consortium developing the standard. the new elements are basic: a new video and audio element. about all you can do with video is call the stream with height and width. no i or p frames changing, bandwidth selection, etc. to match what you are using it for. also from what i see it is going to be awhile before the final draft is approved. like most things based on groups it takes forever to get consensus on the most minute details; never mind the whole draft. http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ as also mentioned controls are not intuitive. how does say an iphone know when i swipe is for moving the browser page around as opposed to ptz controls? it becomes button based and not as intuitive as a native may be.
  4. well if you knew that then i don't understand why you ask the question. look for what cameras the nas you are interested in says it supports in whatever recording software it supports inherently. all i am saying is i don't think the panny cam is inherently nas compatible as other cameras like mobotix are.
  5. you don't need html5 to do what you are asking. many companies have browser based solutions now. it's just that native apps tend to be more intuitive and better served as they have access to low level api of the host device.
  6. i think videofied does something similar to this. i just saw them at ESX and they said the actual cellular connection was only a few dollars a month. no need to rely on customer connection either as it is cellular.
  7. Twilo123

    Toshiba IP Cameras

    very interesting. do you happens to know which models?
  8. we can access the streams directly from the camera in our mobile phone app. we support ptz also in our blackberry app right now.
  9. i forget offhand but i think you have to run recording software on pc anyways to record the panasonic video so it would kind of defeat your purpose to use the nas with this camera. dyndns.com is very popular. the free version requires you to click an active link in an email every 30 days or it kills the account.
  10. i have a q22 (i think it is q24 now). if you want to see some pictures let me know and i will send them to you. the ptz is vptz. i really only use the mjpg stream but the picture quality is fine for mobile phones which is what i use them on. in my opinion for the 30+ manufacturers we support their picture quality is in the top 5. saw avigilon at isc west. their nvr software was well designed. you could instantly zoom in/out or pan/tilt on live and recorded video very quickly. picture quality was what you would expect from jpg2000. they were just starting to support other manufacturer's cameras also along with other codecs. from the mobile phone perspective jpg2000 is not easily integrated like mjpg on mobotix. also .net is not directly compatible with most mobile phones so we had to pass on them for now for integration into our app although we do support straight streams on mobotix cams. not sure about avigilon but mobotix has a sip client built into the q22 which will be interesting to integrate.
  11. i am looking for people to beta test an app i am doing on the blackberry for ip based cameras. i will also be adding dvr/video server support where available for anyone interested on that end. right now the only video server support is axis however. if anyone has one or more cams + bb and wants to try it out please pm me. Thanks.
  12. Twilo123

    Virtual PTZ

    mobotix gave me a q22. i have it sitting in the office. if you have any questions about it let me know and i will see what i can find out. i have been trying to integrate from a developers point of view and it is definitely non standard ptz as it basically just zooms in on areas of the field of view to simulate ptz. it works more like an x,y,z axis as opposed to regular ptz.
  13. i ran into this which may be the same thing. has the same unique id/password combination that inpro uses. http://ipvideomarket.info/report/starvedia_202_ip_camera_test_plug_n_play http://www.starvedia.com/solution.html
  14. actually it does sound like UPnP. UPnP does not require to configure the router. it is just the easiest implementation of it. you can use it to 'phone home' so to speak instead. it is just a method of registering devices automatically. it doesn't care where it registers. that is up to the developer to decide. it has an open API so it can be developed into any flavor you can think of. so i beg to differ. i still think it is a flavor of UPnP. also could be flavors of zeroconfig, bonjour, etc. they are all similar. i'll see if i can get some more info on it.
  15. sounds suspiciously like UPnP which is common these days on ip cameras http://secprodonline.com/Articles/2009/01/01/QA-From-Product-Managers.aspx
  16. both the box and camera are labelled q22m and it matches the q22m they show on their website. it is a panoramic camera with 360 degrees. as a result they simulate ptz really by focusing in on any specific area. it's not what i am used to when i think of zoom but it works just the same. here is what they sent me http://www.mobotix.com/eng_US/content/view/full/25611
  17. not sure if this is the right area to ask this but here goes: on the mobotix http api they have straightforward commands for zoom in/out and center controls but for pan and tilt i cannot figure it out. it is probably something simple that i am missing. now i know that their ptz is different in that it is all digital zooming or vptz as they like to call it. i was wondering if anyone knows the command structure for a cgi call via http for pan and tilt on their cameras? i am stumped right now. i emailed them and am waiting for a reply but i wanted to check here also in case someone has gone through this before.
  18. ? the cameras is setup fine. there is no serial connection so there is no baud rate to setup. this model has what they call virtual ptz. it is a 360 degree camera so they use digital ptz to stay away from requiring any moving parts. the vptz works fine in their software and web page viewer. i am just trying to code it into my own app so i am trying to find the exact http commands.
  19. in some cases the software will not matter if the carrier is blocking the codec. we have already run into this with our apps and have had to do workarounds. a real pita in some cases.
  20. there are ways to do it but you at least need to turn the analog stream into a digital one for your ipaq to understand it.
  21. mobotix just loaned me a q22 for testing and i am running into the same thing. from what i understand is that it can provide a local storage method in case the camera drops offline for some reason. it also allows for a decentralized method of recording which theoretically would allow for less bandwidth being used as you would only pull video as needed over the network as opposed to constantly streaming it to non local storage.
  22. i saw them briefly at ISC West. picture quality was excellent and their software i have to admit was extremely responsive for any ptz function. i only had a couple of minutes with them but i am sure they have a specific target market. if i remember correctly they now support 3rd party cameras although i am not sure if they re-encode the stream to jpg2000 or leave in it's native format. i would think they are re-encoding on the fly.
  23. Twilo123

    OnSSI Ocularis

    Jason, It's Rob Conlin from Intelligent Designs Group, LLC. We were cut off yesterday discussing the mobile client. I will try to follow up with you today again if you have some free time. Like most others here I was seriously impressed with the platform at ISC West last week. We are definitely interested in integrating with the platform well beyond the core viewing/control functionality for our mobile clients. After sitting through the demo at the show IMO you guys had one of the most innovating products there this year. Talk soon.
  24. i think it was videoiq if i remember correctly.
  25. i did see one company who was using internal storage as a decentralized storage with a nvr to pull as needed similar to what mobotix likes to do but i forget their name offhand. they were really touting the analytics side of their system but i guess it would qualify for what you were looking for nonetheless although it might be pricey. they were over by the bathrooms on the main floor. i'll see if i can figure out their name and get back to you. also i would add mobotix to similar pricing as stardot.