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Blake CCTV

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Everything posted by Blake CCTV

  1. Thanks guys I was thinking about using a normal coax combiner and then sending the output into a balun and doing the same at the other end, which is what i think you are suggesting SDM group. Soundy: your idea sounds like it could work but would probably be too costly.
  2. Can anyone recommend a good 3g wireless router
  3. have you tried contacting milestone support
  4. Blake CCTV

    Software POS Integration - USB Dongle?

    contact support at EZCCTV they should able to help
  5. Blake CCTV

    DVR output using CAT5

    gungate has a good idea try using an active balun the best type are the ones with variable pots they give a more precise adjustment than the ones with dip switches. If you have an oscilloscope you can check the video signal coming from the camera and at each point along the signal path eg. at the camera output, DVR input, DVR monitor output, the remote monitor input. you are looking for 1v of video signal at each point. Something simple that you can try is to bring the remote TV locally to the DVR and connect it using a short piece of cat 5 cable and your baluns. This will elimnate the long cable run (which isn't that long for cat 5) and earth loop faults. what is your location
  6. Blake CCTV

    Rotakin BS 50132-7

    Hi can anyone tell me if you need to use a rotakin to commision a cctv system in order for it to comply with BS 50132-7 or is this just a guideline. Thanks in advance Richard
  7. Blake CCTV

    Rotakin BS 50132-7

    thanks i think you are right
  8. Blake CCTV

    pixels per inch

    OMG as soon as I saw the name Theia I realised that I had this app on my phone thanks for reminding me this is very usefull.
  9. Hi, does anyone have a design tool or method for calculating the pixels per inch of a 5 mega pixel camera at certain distances. Thanks in advance
  10. Blake CCTV

    definitions in pixels

    Sorry I didn't make it clear on the last part of my post when I said that I know what the definitions are for analogue I meant that this is defined by the percentage of the screen that the person occupies but obviously with megapixel cameras the subject can be a lot smaller than an analogue picture but can be zoomed into a certain amount before the quality is affected So its not as simple as just measuring the percentage of the screen that is occupied by the subject.
  11. Does anyone know how many pixels per inch or cm that an image needs to consist of to be defined as identification recognition detection and crowd monitoring. I know what they are for analogue cameras but not megapixel cameras. Thank in advance Richard
  12. Blake CCTV

    pixels per inch

    Thanks I will try this out
  13. Blake CCTV

    Android QQEye

    No the one I am using is an "Inspire Blue 4 Channel"
  14. Blake CCTV

    Android QQEye

    Thanks I must admit I didn't look very hard for it
  15. Blake CCTV

    Android QQEye

    thanks I have installed KWeye as I couldn't find Meye didn't work at first because I had the wrong port number. Port no now 7050 and its all working okay Now all I have to do is get GVAview working on my phone for Geovision and I will be well happy Thanks
  16. Blake CCTV

    Android QQEye

    Thanks for the info but I have tried Asee this says "connect server sucess" and then says "no response" Any ideas on that one?
  17. Blake CCTV

    no display even with VNC

    Thanks will try this
  18. Blake CCTV

    no display even with VNC

    Help I have a remote PC that has a display fault when the monitor was turned on it would go off again as there seems to be no video coming from the video card i thought i might be able to connect to it using VNC but still have no display although i can connect to it. I was trying to reboot it but can't do this without the display, any ideas?
  19. Blake CCTV

    no display even with VNC

    Thanks for the ideas I had tried these but to no avail as the PC is a DVR and that program has to be shut down aswell I have abeen to site today and confirmed it is the video card, so at least I have learned that video on VNC will only work if the video card is ok on the remote PC. Thanks anyway
  20. you are right it is a type of ground loop hum compounded by the different phase. running the reomte monitor from the local psu should help I had this problem once and found it was because of a different phase. If you're not that far apart have you thought of a using a good wireless link which will eliminate any phase/earth problem. I always steer clear of wireless links but this may be the best budget solution
  21. Blake CCTV

    Hyper Terminal Setting for DM DVTU

    Glad you got it working I now know what a null modem cable is, I have opended plenty of DS2's and found WD drives in them although I do know that DM's can be fussy with there drives. Are you formatting them as FAT32 before installing them?
  22. Blake CCTV

    GV600 HiRes not working?

    Try contacting tech support at EZCCTV they always help me
  23. Blake CCTV

    Hyper Terminal Setting for DM DVTU

    Its been a while since I have dealt with a DM and Hyper terminal but from what I remember the data pair for the com connection needs to be reversed. sounds like your doing everything else right let me know how you get on
  24. Blake CCTV

    Avigilon license

    Thanks for the info I am in the UK
  25. Can anyone tell me if I am adding a new 4 channel ip Avigilon encoder to an Avigilon system will I need to buy an extra license. The same question for adding an Avigilon camera.