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  1. icecone

    economic crisis

    thanks, i feel relieved.
  2. icecone

    economic crisis

    Given the present sweeping economic crisis, will CCTV field be adversely affected? I am concerned about this, because i just joined a CCTV company .
  3. icecone

    Hello from China

    Hello everyone! I just joined a CCTV factory in China. And i am like a blank paper in the CCTV field. So i just love it when i come across this forum, 'cause i can learn so much here.
  4. icecone

    Import CCTV products in Romania

    Hi, we manufacture and sell CCTV products. I tried to send you offer by PM, but failed. do you have any other contact means?
  5. Hi, everyone! I am a novice in security field. forgive me if you find my question silly. I just don't know what GV cards are. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance.