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Everything posted by snookium

  1. I had these version of DVR with me. 1) Can anyone tell me how come when online viewing through PC. Mine AVD717 is so much better than AVC787? Is it because of AVD717 is using Jpeg streaming and AVC787 is using mpeg4 streaming 2) Also I had installed Eagly Eye with both new can old version J2ME and Supervisor. Both software cannot access AVD717. I can only accessed AVC787 but the streaming quality suck big time. Anyone face such problem before?? Pls Pls Pls help.....
  2. snookium

    Need EagleEyes(J2ME New version)

    Hi any idea on how to connect my AVD717 from my phone (nokia). Also any software that Iphone can access?
  3. snookium

    MMS for Avtech.

    I had managed to write a Progam to send MMS via motion trigger by AV tech product. Anyone manage to do that?
  4. snookium

    avc760 gprs client

    No it gave me a Java Error : Unhandle Exception and need to be closed I am using N82
  5. snookium

    MMS for Avtech.

    I can assist you in setting up. What you need is -One fix IP. -One gateway for MMS -Our own in-house written program with given API from the MMS reseller to look out for FTP image from the customer site DVR. It can work with all network DVR as long as there is motion detection with FTP. My prefer brand will be AVtech. I am also doing more high end surviellance product such as intrusion, permeter intrusion, missing object, abandon object and FIRE Detection. BTW I am from Singapore. Nice to meet you.
  6. snookium

    Time and Date trouble

    Is there any battery operated Bios?
  7. snookium

    AVTECH 3g/gprs software not working

    Yes it works now, thanks. my problem was that I was using port 80 with the application supervisor. Now I use port 4040 and it works fine now. gr, klaaz I am using this version. EagleEyes(J2ME) But it only works on AVC760 but not AVC761. Both are configure with port 81. Any one tried the other version? GPRS/3G Software & EagleEyes(J2ME New version)
  8. snookium

    avc760 gprs client

    Yes. I've tried it. Works. But u can't find anything on the manual though. Yes it work on my case too. choose Eagle Eye J2ME : Only this version work on AVC760 but i cannot work on AVC761 which still trying to get an answer here....
  9. snookium

    avc760 gprs client

    I install two DVR in my customer site: AVC760 (silver) AVC761(black) I tried to install Eagle Eye J2ME : and it work on the AVC760 but not on AVC761 I also tried using other version :GPRS/3G Software , EagleEyes(J2ME New version) but not working as well I realise that the two model of web server module is different. AVC760 with ANYTIME ANYWHERE on the first page whereas AVC761 don't have which only pop up window for ID & Pwd. What is is abt?