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Everything posted by securitymonster

  1. securitymonster

    Fried Bullet IR camera

    Our warranty covers manufacturer defects and not "Acts of God" or "User Error" If you can't send the camera back for replacement, why should you warranty it for them? Were in the business of Security, not Goodwill. I wouldn't just leave your customers hanging, but I would tell them that you can replace the cameras immediately, and pending replacement from the manufacturer will determine if the customer gets free replacements or if they will be paying for the 4 new cameras. Let us know how it goes!
  2. securitymonster

    Walmart Scam *READ*

    Beware of This Scam!!! I don't how many of you shop at Wal-Mart, but this may be useful to know. I am posting this to you to warn you of something that happened to me, as I have become a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. This happened to me at Wal-Mart in Eugene and it could happen to you. Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good-looking 18-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy t-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to another Wal-Mart. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen last Tuesday, Wednesday, twice on Thursday, and probably again tonight.
  3. www.altronix.com or www.pthree.com should keep you plenty happy. Altronix is a little more affordable on the normal stuff.
  4. securitymonster

    Please help me on my first project!!!

    geez thomas, you should post more often, I think we can all learn alot from you! What about using a megapixel camera? I haven't messed with those so i can't speak but with something worth a darn and a good low lux cam, I would think you can take the image into a video software program and have a little more success........ Am I way off?
  5. securitymonster

    Static and dynamic ip's

    Yes, like thomas said, get a static IP. You can often times get a static IP for less than $10/month. If you cannot get a static IP, monitor your current IP and see how long till it changes. I have a dynamic IP at home and it hasn't changed for 6 months.
  6. securitymonster

    Best VGA LCD Monitor for DVR

    check out DeView, they are spendy but do a good job. http://www.deview.com/
  7. securitymonster

    covert camera suggestions in a warehouse

    sounds like you might have to custom build something. If you don't want to tackle this, you can contact www.kjbsecurity.com to help you out. They have a long list of covert cams and will often custom build for applications. The biggest problem I've seen with covert cameras is the 3.6mm wide angle lens, you have to be so darn close to anything for any kind of recognition.
  8. securitymonster

    ISC West 2006

    So who's going to be at the ISC West 2006 show? Whats going to be the hot CCTV items to check out this year?
  9. securitymonster

    Infrared Stuff

    what kind of camera are you using? It is a digital day/night camera not a true day/night camera, that is most likely your problem as it is "filtering" the color out of the picture leaving you with a grainy look. Those little grains will trick the software into thinking there is movement as the software recognizes a change in a pixel and not actual movement as I'm sure your aware. This is a common problem with budget cameras.........there could be a few other things but let us know what camera your using so we can rule this one out. As far as Geovision settings, I don't use geovision and can't comment, I know you should get a flood of answers from other folks on here.
  10. securitymonster

    New Forum

    Anybody like the new forum? I guess its a change and so immediately I don't like it. I haven't seen the notifications work yet either, letting me know of an updated thread with the "red" icon. Also seems that I have to login everytime I want to post anything, regardless of me clicking the "save info" button.
  11. securitymonster

    ISC West 2006

    wasn't really impressed with a whole lot this time around. Seems that everybody and there dog is trying to incorporate some type of alarm with an auto dialer and wireless sensors all while being portable. The show was good for meeting all the folks I've been talking to the last 12 months.......oh, and new catalogs are always nice too!
  12. securitymonster

    Legal Woes -

    Ouch, sucks to be in that position. You need to have a heart to heart with your customer and re-evaluate his video surveillance needs. If he is wanting LPR, then he needs to buckle down, spend the $3500 on the Extreme REG-L1 and have the camera professionally mounted between 30-80ft from the entrance. There is no secret here. You can't expect to have a 50mm lens pickup a license plate at 300ft. My advice would also look into a waiver that your customer signs at each and every job stating your not liable. I'm sure some other board members can help you out with this. Another thing to do is to call the Police Office or DA's office and discuss this with them. This might help with your peace of mind. The judicial system is tricky and can eat you up if your not careful. You'll need to keep your reputation clean too, so whatever you can do to keep your customer happy is important as well. Good news doesn't travel far, but bad news travels very fast.
  13. securitymonster

    ISC West 2006

    What was with those crazy little 360 degree cameras? Is it me or did the quality look horrible.....
  14. securitymonster

    New Camera Housing/Enclosure. Interesting

    your telling me that you guys don't sell those? Thats hilarious!!! Somebody needs to send this to ziplock for their commercials! Better than those old ladys talking about cleanliness.......
  15. securitymonster


    where can i order one of these?
  16. securitymonster

    ISC West 2006

    Here I come........ "what happens in vegas, stays in vegas"
  17. securitymonster

    Another wierd setup few baseball fields

    That leaves you open to just about any camera, but again, your budget is going to hinder you. Your probably going to have to pole mount the cameras and ideally you'll need 3-5 cameras per pole. Where is the recording piece of equipment going to be? Have you guys looked into security patrol?
  18. securitymonster

    Another wierd setup few baseball fields

    Your going to have a tough time identifying anything with just 1 camear per field. If the place was fully fenced with just a few openings you could put cameras in those controlled entrances.......your budget is going to be your biggest enemy! What kind of dollars are you working with? These cameras have worked great for a few setups.....long rnage infrared, 5-50mm varifocal, outdoor rated.....
  19. securitymonster

    Best place to get these camera's.

    Is this a CMOS camera? If so, I've seen a demo on it and its horrible....
  20. securitymonster


    Anybody heard of Vendale Dome Cameras? ADT is using them and I'm just trying to see what they are......maybe the sales person meant to write "Vandal" ....
  21. securitymonster

    Cookie Problem

    Firefox > IE
  22. securitymonster

    Best place to get these camera's.

    Sorry kg6mti, I have equipment similar to this but do not carry those exact manuf/models.... There are more and more end user type people on here and chances are those 93 views are from the end users. This site isn't quite built around a commerce type portal, its designed to answer questions based on the camera, not how much and where to purchase them. Goodluck...
  23. securitymonster

    arm electronics cameras

    I currently have the ARM ExView version in my shop right now, its a killer picture however the night view isn't all that great.
  24. securitymonster

    Mace CAM68CIR camera samples

    If your on a budget, the camera will do the trick. If you can spend a little more money, you might find something that performs a little better. What are you using the camera for? Do you have lighting or do you need the infrared?
  25. securitymonster

    Explain this one to me.

    go out there on your cell phone while talking to your wife in the house. Then try to find your shadow like your the ladder, move back untill you find the light source. It has to be somewhere........