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Everything posted by pierre_cctv

  1. pierre_cctv

    MMS for Avtech.

    I received a CD with the AVC761 but the remote management sofware (AP sotfware) is not Video Server E. I downloaded Video Server E but I can't connect to the DVR (after checking IP port & address, login/pwd of course). Do you know if softwares are dedicated to a specific release of these DVR ? thanks
  2. pierre_cctv

    MMS for Avtech.

    Hi, I'm using an AVTech 761 and I discovered that alert sent by e-mail are in fact simple e-mail notification. So, I have to connect to the DVR to dowload and see the corresponding video ! I have found no parameter to send a video sequence or at least some images !! So, how do you plan to send a MMS ? Is it an application, running on an external PC which automatically get images or video to package it in a MMS ?