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Everything posted by GhostRider

  1. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    I finally managed to brick my nvr, tried the new update from urcctvstore on my nvr which i had running xvision firmware After the update it was stuck on the xvision logo so i did a direct connection to my pc and did the telnet restore, when i typed REBOOT it turned off. with just a red power light nothing else powering up I take it is now completely bricked or is there a solution for this, red power light nothing else on screen no usb powering up etc. anyone managed to recover from this?
  2. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    when I backup video onto usb to play on my computer it is always playing at fast speed, do you know why that is?
  3. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    any updates on wifi compatability with wpa?
  4. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Does this update fix wifi so it works with WPA?
  5. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Plug your computer and NVR into router direct via cable and try to sewrch for the NVR, I ise the app called inet to scan my network from my mobile phone
  6. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Goolink is the only app i can make work, at the moment its not working properly I have contacted the app maker and they said they are working on a fix for it
  7. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    i just check my account , the video is still there, i copied the link again
  8. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    thanks mike i cant wait
  9. terrible reviews by people who are too thick to use it
  10. stream type will give you 2 streams, main or sub, main is the full stream sub is the smaller res stream. there is a long thread on this nvr with instructions on how to unbrick your nvr viewtopic.php?f=56&t=39628
  11. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    I have 2 realtek chip dongles that work ok
  12. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Mike, how can I get wifi to work, i can detect network but it wont connect, the ip for wifi is set to 192.168.1.x in UK we use mainly 192.168.0.x it wont let me change the wifi ip so it wont connect
  13. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Hi Mike, does that firmware allow use with apple osx browser?
  14. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    worked with onvif, plugged camera into network and nvr detected it straight away. i have the wifi model aswell
  15. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    i have that same camera, works fine with the mini nvr
  16. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    what models cameras will it not detect? to setup recording have a look at this video, ignore the motion record bit just look how to get into the menu for setting up record: you want to set it to schedule record fill the box with blue
  17. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Mike, is there any software for mac osx to view the NVR? and thanks for helping us
  18. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Mike, can you give us the latest firmware please? Also which iphone app will work with the NVR apart from Goolink, is there another app?
  19. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    I have 20140415 V4.0 Xvision
  20. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    what is the latest firmware available?
  21. GhostRider

    Serious problems with XRN2016

    need more info, is the NVR connected to a monitor/display? if so can you view the cameras and log into the menu? which is done by right clicking the mouse on the screen
  22. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    Has anyone got the NVR working on OSX? I can't find a way to view it on my macbook other than using a windows virtual machine. Also the only app on my iPhone that works is Goolink.
  23. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    what is the version of the firmware the seller sent you and what problems did it soleve?
  24. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    rename the files to a shorter name so its easier to type them put them on a usb stick and plug into your NVR go to your pc and run telnet programme like Putty Use the ip address that you know is of the NVR, you can use an app like inet to search your network to find the NVR ip if you have an iphone/android or login to your router and see attached devices use putty as your telnet programme http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ type in the ip address of the nvr and connect user: root password: antslq run these commands without the # #fdisk -l #ls #mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ #cd /mnt/ #flashcp -v #flashcp -v u-boot.bin.3520d /dev/mtd0 #flashcp -v app.squashfs.3520d /dev/mtd3 #flashcp -v rfs.squashfs.3520d /dev/mtd2 #reboot
  25. GhostRider

    Mini nvr questions

    is the ip address correct?