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Everything posted by jean

  1. HI I have a AVTEC 760A, about you, is it a good product. Let me know please Thanks Jean
  2. ok scorpion thanks, I try it, I will give result to you
  3. very thanks scorpion I post a question on forum PC about, how record the sound, I'm on ch1 and my cam have sound Have you an idea very thanks again
  4. HI I have a AVTEC 760A, I want record sound, I know the sound is only on channel 1, I push 2 button in front of the DVR but ...NO SOUND RECORD ? Too, my camera is OK, it's a camera with micro. Do you know what is the problem Thanks for help me Jean
  5. HI, I have a AVTEC DVR Model 760A and I want change the USERNAME and PASSWORD (now its by default ADMIN) Thanks to answer me.
  6. very thanks, I have try this and all it's ok