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Video Server E

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I have a Swann DVR. When connecting this to my PC via my network, the picture suffers from periodic jumping or distortion. I would like to try an alternative to the supplied Video server E software supplied. Does anybody know of any similar software that would work with a Swann DVR?


Thanks in advance

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I have a Swann DVR. When connecting this to my PC via my network, the picture suffers from periodic jumping or distortion. I would like to try an alternative to the supplied Video server E software supplied. Does anybody know of any similar software that would work with a Swann DVR?


Thanks in advance


Jon, has your Swann DVR got internet access, can you post us a screen dump for the opening page? just curious it's a kind of OEM products.


On the other hand, what Video Server E shortage do you come across? can you share?




rgds, dove

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The DVR doesn't have internet access as such. Connection is through my network. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to insert a picture into this reply.


Thanks for your help

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The Swan DVR is OEM of AVTECH range. Video Server E is the standard remote software supplied with AVTECH DVRs also. Google securicorp and check the support page where you can download the AVTECH version. Give that a try then let us know.


Have you checked to see if the images are ok on the live monitor?

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The DVR doesn't have internet access as such. Connection is through my network. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to insert a picture into this reply.


Thanks for your help



Yeah, as from another friend's post here, I know Swann DVR is just OEM of AVTECH. So you can use Video Server E, means your DVR should have internet connection, will you be confused on the capability of your DVR?


Unless your DVR is other non-network based model of AVTECH.



rgds, dove

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Hi thanks for yor replies.


I've downloaded the Avtech software and the same problem occurs. I've also tried another computer using XP and not Vista and also a direct link between the DVR and PC using a cross-over cable (without using the network). On all occasions, the pictures displayed on the computer continues to "judder" with some occasional colour distortion (whole blocks of solid colour).


I really have no idea where to go from here!


Thanks in advance.

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test you network first by sending some large files, also try >


ipconfig /all to check your network setting

netstat -a check you are listening on the right ports

netstat -s check for errors -should be all zero`s

ping the other hosts address also make sure tcp is working


Also try mapping a drive and watching a video across the network


Does the recorded video playback also judder ?



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zmxtech. Thanks for your reply.


When I run ipconfig /all or any other of the tests, they all dissappear off the screen before I can read them. Is there a way of keeping the information on the screen for longer?



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easy pipe it to a file


ipconfig /all >ip.txt


then to read it [including the word type]


type ip.txt



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I've changed the port on the DVR to port 1000 from port 80 and that seems to have improved the picture considerably. I'm not sure why this should make a diffrence as I tried disabling the firewall before I tried this as I guessed that this could possibly interfere with port 80 but the problem still occurred. Strange!

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I'm having the exact same problem as Jon62.


I just installed a Swann 16 channel system. Works great behind the network using the supplied NetViewer software. But when accessing it from home, across the internet, images are poor quality with color distortions. I was searching for an alternative to NetViewer when I found this post.



The port forwarding instructions with my system says to open ports 5000 and 5001. Not that it would make a difference since we seem to have the same problem.


I know there are some Java based systems. I'm looking for one that will work with Swann systems. Unless someone has a solution to this.


Thanks in advance.


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After about 6 emails to Swann I finally got a response from Swann Support. Their brief email suggested that this was a bandwidth problem. However, as I connected the DVR directly to the computer without using the network and the problem still existed - I don't believe that this is the case. Out of curiorosity, is the net viewer software the same as the Video server e software?


Ps: Just seen your picture. That's exactly the same problem that I'm experiencing - albeit on a 4 channel DVR.

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looks like a data problem the image is not getting the "full" package to complete the picture, errors maybe ?


I don't think its Bandwidth problem, lack of bandwidth would not do that the picture updates would be slow not stuffed



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NetViewer and Video E Server are two different programs. I downloaded Video E and can't get it to connect no matter what. I guess the program you use is proprietary to the firmware on the DVR (?).


I would understand the bandwidth argument for a 16 channel system, but not 4 channels. Even then, the data should be truncated or compressed to compensate for live streams across the net. I'd much rather have lower quality images than what I'm getting now. As I understand it you are having this problem locally (not across the net)?


What I've read in other threads on this board is 100% true. You get what you pay for. For $1,500 I got a 16 cam do-it-yourself system that is adequate for my type of business. It's more of a deterrent, and me being able to see around the property from my office. It's a great value for my application. If I owned a retail jewelry store, or handled a lot of cash, I'd definitely go for the big dollar systems and have it professionally installed. Being able to see things from home is more of a novelty than a necessity for me.


But I'd still like to be able to do it since that's what the system said it would do. I'm not giong to bother trying to contact Swann since it will only serve to piss me off. So I'm open to any suggestions from this community for tweaking the system... if that's possible.

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I just noticed I get the same issue on an ARM Electronics JDVR 8channel I have at a local eatery. All different colors and the little white circles too.


I saw it for the first time last night over remote view or playback... I can't remember. The client does have somewhat low bandwidth, but I don't know if that is the issue. This morning I have been trying to recreate the problem but have not been able to.

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We've recently installed Video Server E on our computer as part of a security camera setup and have very strong reason to believe that our computer is being monitored (through remote access perhaps) by the guy who did the installation for us. Is there any way to confirm our suspicion through the software settings?


Would appreciate any response at all!




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