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BNC dongle on dvr's

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Just thought I would ask you all, How do you like using the bnc pigtail or dongle connector on some dvr's versus straight bnc connectors on the back of the dvr's? Is there more of a stress factor using the dongle? And for any who have not checked lately we have added a couple of new cameras and a dvr and soon to have power supplies.

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the dongle pigtails vs. backplane, but still not quite happy with any of those!





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Out of the two which one is preferred, we have a new dvr that we can choose which one we are going to use, so I thought I would poll you all to see?

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For me it depends on the install.


If it is a high end install where the cable runs are actually installed in a structured cabling fashion (i.e. to patch panels) I like straight bnc connectors on the back of the dvrs. Its easier to dress up the patch cables and have everything looking nice.


If it's a low budget install were I have no choice but to shoehorn the DVR onto a shelf -usually up high somewhere- I prefer pigtails. (easy to tuck in and work around)

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Hopefully I get some replies , have to make a decision on this dvr, this is a small unit maybe 10 inches across by 3 inches high and about 14 inches deep. Need to know if the pigtail would be best?

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I like both but both ha the pros and cons

Direct bnc nice & clean but when you have it on a shelf you have to have enough room for the dvr and another 5 to 6 inches for the cable


pigtails you can adjust them to fit your needs but i can never get them straight no matter how hard i try. I also have to strap the cables to the wall so not to put stress on the pigtails

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By Pigtail I am envisioning the GeoVision type pigtail octopus BNC cable? I find these to be rather flimsy considering the RG59 or sometimes RG6 cable that connects to it but I digressed


I personally would prefer a non-pigtail type as it is more professional looking than flimsy pigtails.


My 2c since I'm new here.

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