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KT&C Pinhole camera for very low light?

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I am looking to buy a camera for a very low light situation. You could just make out where you're going with the human eye, so I will need something that's a drop more sensitive in near darkness than the human eye.


I saw this KT&C KPC-S20P1 Black & White pinhole camera for $50.

LUX .002

The target area is 5-15 feet.


Would this one do?


What others might be good for this condition?

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if you can hide some IR illumination -even a few high powered diodes it can make a big difference [900+nM]


get your self the sony ex-view ship set for your camera


the KT&C KPC-S20P1 is a bit `low end`



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Pin hole lens = crappy low light


The bigger the lens and imager are the better low light capablity you will have. It simply lets more light through and a larger imager has more surface to recieve the light.

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so LUX 00.2 doesn't mean anything?


if you can hide some IR illumination -even a few high powered diodes it can make a big difference [900+nM]


Do the diodes have to be connected to the camera?

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The lux rating is also relative to the chip size and the best possible lens combination, why the need for a pin hole lens? Possible use a small bullet or a vandal proof dome. Could give a better determination of camera with some description of the location and what is trying to be achieved.

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so LUX 00.2 doesn't mean anything?


if you can hide some IR illumination -even a few high powered diodes it can make a big difference [900+nM]


Do the diodes have to be connected to the camera?


KT&C's BW EXVIEW bullet is not very low light, so I doubt the one you mentioned is either.

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if you can hide some IR illumination -even a few high powered diodes it can make a big difference [900+nM]


Do the diodes have to be connected to the camera?




The camera needs to be discreet, because there are times that the place is lit.


Are there ANY pinholes that work in low light?


If not, are there other options that are discreet and work in low light?

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Is there a reason the camera has to be discreet, is it for covert monitoring where the subjects do not know a camera is present?

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The subject is my property which I suspect is being trespassed. The trespassers are not exactly trespassers, meaning that they’re authorized to be on the premises but not in a certain area. I would like to confirm my suspicions without alerting the culprits who may not trespass if they know they’re being watched and so must be discreet.

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Is this indoors, or outdoors??


You cannot go on specs alone!


Please note that I have high spec camera that I would not give to my worst enemy, and then there are some nondescript cameras that you would not think twice about them, and yet they perform like magic!!


You are not taking these people to court, and this tells me that you do not need an affadavit.


This means you are not hiring someone licensed to perform the surveillance who can provide the affadavit.


This means that you are only doing this for your own curiosity.


Are you doing this as a form of voyerism??


If they are caught red handed what will the punishment be?


If you record this video, and you keep this information to yourself, and never, ever say anything to the recorded, and surveilanced individual(s) then noone is the wiser, and you do not have to reap the consequences.


If you are going to catch a person performing an act, and then show them the video of the action, then you have to check the liabilities of your surveillance.


1. Is this your own property, then have you handed them in writing bout the areas that are off limits, so that they cannot say "we didnt know, he never said anything". This eliminates the he said / she said situation.


2. Is this crime a misdemeanor, or a felony.




I know the answer, and it is just to solve your curiosity, and you could careless about legalities, and they will see the video, and yes, they are BUSTED, and caught on tape!!


For indoors. Only you can answer that question. Buy it, and buy it now.

Test this camera before you actually use it in the scenerio that you want to use it in. If the test works, then set up the camera, and catch the act, and you are good to go.


If the test does not work then buy another camera, test it, and if it passes, then you are good to go.


If it does not work then buy another one.


If this option is too expensive, then tally up the estimated cost of buying several cameras, plus shipping, plus your wasted time, (your time = $100.00), and then compare to hiring a company to bring out a camera that they will install, and provide you the video that you need.




Your camera looks like the camera that I use as "secondary" cameras that I use in bars, and night clubs. I use these to watch non threat areas such as dart board area, pool tables, crane machines, table areas, ect.


I use very high end cameras at the front door, the back door, and the cash register.


When I catch video on my mini B/W camera I then can go to the high end camera to get a facial shot.




If assuming your camera works in my environment, then here is how to make it work.


Bars have beer neon signs, and pool table lights that provide low level lighting. Rope lighting , and "night lights" help alot too.


I do not know where you are setting up the camera, but do you have low lighting?? Can you install low lighting?






This camera works in a 15X15 office with no lights on. The only light source is an EMERGENCEY EXIT SIGN, that provide the only lighting at night.


You would be very impressed with the video (considering the covert, and lighting situation).



Can you hide the camera inside of something that matches the "decor" of the area where the camera is going?


Outdoors I hide bullet cameras in dog houses, bird house, and I make fake water pump "Pump House" to hide cameras in.


If this is a "baby sitter" situation, and they are not allowed to go into a masterbedroom, or a liquor cabinet, then a DVR with screws on the back that triggers the DVR with alarm style magnets should work! You have the privacy, and only recording when a door is opened!!


What do you think?

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For outdoors:


How about a landmine similiar to these if they are walking on the property?




Paint mines

Paint mines are simulated land mines for use in Paintball. Several devices have been designed to spray paint over an area when triggered by passing players. Some of these devices are placed on the ground where, once a person steps on them, forces paint to shoot up and around the target marking the stepper and any nearby teammates. Another, rarely used form of mine functions with tripwires. Placed hidden on a tree or bush, the trip wire extends over a much larger area. Once tripped; a pin is released, like a paint grenade, the paint is forced out through the tight narrow tubes which shower the area with paint. Precise methods of spraying paint or triggering the mine vary; however, due to insurance reasons, no paint mines use any sort of explosive.










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I know the answer, and it is just to solve your curiosity, and you could careless about legalities,

I'm sorry but you're mistaken.


The indoor place where I want to monitor, if anyone enters that space than they are knowingly in violation.


It is not illegal to place covert surveillance in your house or any other place that belongs to you.


Your camera looks like the camera that I use as "secondary" cameras that I use in bars, and night clubs. I use these to watch non threat areas such as dart board area, pool tables, crane machines, table areas, ect.

Are you saying that the above mentioned camera will be able to capture


Can you hide the camera inside of something that matches the "decor" of the area where the camera is going?

That’s what I am planning for the pinhole. Another camera that has a bigger lens would be discernable.

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Are you saying that the above mentioned camera will be able to capture


I am saying that there is a possibility that the camera that you have may work. Since I have never touched the camera that you are listing, then I truely cannot say whether it will, or will not work.


I would have to buy it, and try it.


I think you are on the right track, and I think you will get a camera set to do what you need it to do.


I hope by playing "devils advocate" with you brings all of the things that need to be thought out. They say the "devils in the details", and it looks like you got yours covered!

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