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Everfocus EDR1600

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Hi Guys, looking for some help !


I have an Everfocus EDR1600 system and am having a few problems with it. I appreciate this system is a few years old but any help you could provide would be most welcome.


1. Leaving the system running continuously (as you would !) the monitor screen images appear as a blue screen. In other words - all the surrounding icons etc appear fine but the actual camera monitor individual screens turn blue after a period of time (which I cant work out what the time is !) Playback works fine & the images appear - but on 'live view - just the blue screen unless I reset the system then all works fine until the 'set time when it goes blue again ????


2. The system has a LAN card - can this be connected to a router for simple access using the IP address or is there seperate software required for the PC ?


3. Still with 2. - can the LAN card be changed for a wireless free LAN card ?


Thank you for your help guys ...

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Well - managed to narrow problem 1 down.


When the system looses camera 1's signal - the whole lot goes as you must have cameras 1 working all the time ..... but ....


Why does Camera 1 keep loosing signal ???


I have changed over cameras - still the same, changed settings - still the same - the system keeps loosing the signal for no apparent reasons ? When it runs, the picture is excellent & records okay ??


H E L P !

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You are still recording video even though you are not able to see the video on the monitor. Thats good! I could put up with that if I did not want to spend money replacing the DVR when it is still recording!




You are extremely savy when it comes to troubleshooting! I am very impressed!! All I can say is WOW!


When you swapped your cameras that is when I became impressed!


The camera that you selected to replace the "broken" camera #1:

You say that you are loosing video again?? HMMMMM.


There may be a common problem. Perhaps you have individual wall wart power supplys. You could put a batteryback up on the power strip to prevent the power loss?


If you have a box power supply that powers all of your cameras then I could see camera #1, and the swapped camera loosing power creating the video loss situation. Now we have to decide if it is the power box that is bad, or if you have power company brown out situation. UPS would help if it is the power company issue.


Do you have another power supply to test out the system?




It could be a DVR issue.


I would ask if the DVR is in a climate controlled environment, or on controlled such as installed in a garage ect.


In the mornings it is cool, and in the afternoons it may get warm. With this change in temp the PC board of the DVR may be flexing. There may be a cold solder joint, or an IC chip that needs to be reseated in a socket.


Other than those quick fix items then the DVR is going to have to be replaced if this is a severe issue.




Yes, you can set up a lan, and view the video on your computer.


It has a built in web browser, and no software is needed for remote viewing.

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Thanks for the comments Scorpion !


With regards to your answers, the powerboard for the DVR & 2 cameras is on the same one but has other items connected such as a lamp etc so I dont think it is a power supply problem plus another camera is remote and plugged into a completely seperate power source.


The DVR is in a loft area so I accept the conditions might not be perfect my theory is kept running it would generate its own heat to "keep warm" I accept your comments though but add the problem occurs within 5 - 30 mins of running the system so the temp difference is probably not great.


Would the length of a co-ax cable connection make a difference to video loss perhaps ? I have about a 20m length, 15m length, & 10m lengths, as I say, when running the image quality is very good ...


Thanks again for your input.

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You are right it could be anything.


It could be the individual connector on the cable. I ruled this out when you said that you connected another camera to channel one.


How long is the coax?


Unless both cameras have bad bnc connectors, or you have bad cables.


I suspect the DVR is giving you issues for some reason.

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Cables were my first thought ..... have swapped what I could, 2 cables are brand new ..... the longest is about 15m


Unfortunatley I think it is the DVR that is faulty, I have a couple of things to try then might call it a day & look for a newer model


Thanks again S.

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