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camera freezing and freezing another camera

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has anyone run into this?


I have a camera that is freezing- and it is freezing a PTZ- if I disconnect the camera the ptz works fine- what could this be? also it is the port below the Ptz- if I move it from the port to another port, it will freese the one above- is it the port or the camera?




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This sounds like it is the camera. Your troubles follow the camera when you change ports.


It could be:

Power Supply


Cable length



Since we are not there to take a look with our own eyes, then we can only guess.


There may be an issue where your camera is not getting enough juice to make it happy.


Is it a 12 volt DC, or a 24 volt AC system??


It could be that the cable run is to long, and there is too much of a voltage drop. We also have to take in consideration the size of the wire, as well as the length.


You can measure the 12 volt DC at the camera, but there is a trick that you have to do. You have to measure the voltage witht the camera plugged in with the system. This will allow you to test the voltage while under load. What do you measure?


How far are the cable runs?

What kind of power wires are you using?


I had a mysterious problem once before. A customer called saying that their camera worked fine except at 3 O clock in the afternoon. Anyother time the camera worked fine! It would go out for about 2 - 3 hours every day!


It turned out that there was a BNC to RCA adapter between the camera, and the premade cable that was wrapped in electrical tape. The sun would beat down on the west side of the house, and the electrical tape would heat up, and the connection would warp, and the video would go out until the sun went down enough where the roof line was not as hot as it was.


Are you using a box power supply, or are you using 12 volt wall adapter power supplys??




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