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Newbie help with first CCTV system

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I am now in the market for a home surveillance system, and while shopping at Costco today, They had a pretty nice system with a 20 inch flat LCD monitor and a built in DVR. Anyone used one of these?


Model No: L20WD804321 (Costco has this for $1500, plus I'd get 2% back)


Here's the deal. My wife and I have lived in the Phoenix area for almost two years, and love it here. We live here with no other family in the area (my folks live in Nor Cal, and her parents and brother live in Washington). My wife's brother is a complete lackie, drug dealing, theiving, welfare getting POS...



Anyway Her folks are moving here to Phoenix, and I'm sure Dumbass (Ryan is his name, but lets just call him Dumbass for now) will follow shortly there after. He has stolen from us before, and continues to steal from her parents. They are unable/unwilling to do anything about it. I have informed her parents that if he steals anything from us, There will be no second chance, no passing go, do not collect $200, and go directly to Federal Prison for dumbass... I've already sent him clippings of Sherrif Joe, and his famous pink underware...


If he or any of his Dumbass buddies show up at my house, I was to have concrete photographic, video evidence of who was here and what exactally was taken.


I am looking for something that will support at least 6 different cameras (non PTZ), both day and night time. I need something with some kind of recording ability, a month or so would be great. The option to record only when there is motion is something I'd deffinately want. Networkable would be fantastic (but not required)as is the ability to view over the web, when I am out of town. Ease of use and maintence would be preferable. I deffinately don't need anything that can read a licence plate from 200 yards, but seeing facial detail and maybe a license plate from 50 feet would be nice. The house I'm going to install it in, is my home, about 2400 square feet (If that makes a difference) and I'd have runs probably around 110-120 feet. The system at Costco would run me about $1500, I would really like to keep my overall costs around there.


After doing a bit of research here, I've come to the conclusion that this may not be the best option for me. I certianly don't want to fork out a ton of cash for a POS that will have to be replaced in a few months. I have an Extra PC that I was planning on using it as a webserver, but could easily modify it to use for a DVR of sorts. I guess I'm at a loss of where to start.




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Steve if you buy from costco you get just that a low budget system.

Now from your post (seeing facial detail and maybe a license plate from 50 feet would be nice) to get this one camera will cost more than the costco system will cost you plus those are not over the shef camera's. Cities spend thousands of dollars per camera for camera's at red lights to get license plates and face detail. THE QUESTION I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU IS WOULD YOU BUY INSURANCE FOR ONLY ONE TENTH THE VALUE OF YOUR HOME? That is what the standard is for security 1/10th the protected property.

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Costco does not use those systems themselves.


Double your budget or it will be easy to evade capture if this guy can complete a thought.


I have a customer in Pheonix I may be able to arrange a demo but the $1500 budget is out.

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Steve if you buy from costco you get just that a low budget system.

Now from your post (seeing facial detail and maybe a license plate from 50 feet would be nice) to get this one camera will cost more than the costco system will cost you plus those are not over the shef camera's. Cities spend thousands of dollars per camera for camera's at red lights to get license plates and face detail. THE QUESTION I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU IS WOULD YOU BUY INSURANCE FOR ONLY ONE TENTH THE VALUE OF YOUR HOME? That is what the standard is for security 1/10th the protected property.


Buddy, Thanks for the response. That deffinately puts it into perspective. Unfortunately I don't have 20-30K to put into this. I am deffinately a DIY kind of person, and have electronics and mechanical background, so doing the install and routing cables by myself isn't a big deal.


I've already got a monitored home security system, where all windows and doors are remotely monitored there is also a motion sensor in my house. I was just hoping for something that would allow me something to give to the police incase there was ever a breakin at my home. Maybe my hopes of getting something that would see license plate detail is a bit lofty...


Any other suggestions



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Costco does not use those systems themselves.


Double your budget or it will be easy to evade capture if this guy can complete a thought.


I have a customer in Pheonix I may be able to arrange a demo but the $1500 budget is out.


Could you give me an idea of what doubling my budget would get? I am deffinately not trying to be a smartass. Just trying to educate myself to what would be the best route to go, and how to spend my money smart the first time.

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A good home security system is in that average price and thats good you have got part of the system done and I see nothing wrong with you doing the work yourself at home what we are saying is do not waste your money on a budget system hardware. Just do your home work and buy name brand equipment for example sony chip does not mean sony camera. You are doing the right thing by getting good advise before wasting money because you do not get what you wanted. The 10% is a rule of thumb total door locks, security system, fire safe, ect. not 10% just for cctv. I was at a home and lawn show and they were using the 10% rule for the yard mulch, flowers, shurbs, ect.


But just buy quality camera's, dvr and good coax and you will have a system that will do the job you expect.

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A good home security system is in that average price and thats good you have got part of the system done and I see nothing wrong with you doing the work yourself at home what we are saying is do not waste your money on a budget system hardware. Just do your home work and buy name brand equipment for example sony chip does not mean sony camera. You are doing the right thing by getting good advise before wasting money because you do not get what you wanted. The 10% is a rule of thumb total door locks, security system, fire safe, ect. not 10% just for cctv. I was at a home and lawn show and they were using the 10% rule for the yard mulch, flowers, shurbs, ect.


But just buy quality camera's, dvr and good coax and you will have a system that will do the job you expect.


Is there any documentation out there, or any writeups that show a system, or components along the lines of what I'm trying to accomplish? for instance, I don't know what a good "Brand Name" Camera or DVR is. I thought about a stand along DVR, but thing now that maybe a PC system is better for upgradeability. Unfortuantely I don't have the experience with CCTV to make good decisions about good quality products that will achieve my Goals. I'm trying to gather as much information regarding good quality products, and suggestions from others in the business that work with these things everyday.


Thanks for the advise.

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We are using a new speco camera for day night that is from the intensifier line sees color in very low light, they come in bullet , dome or box style , you can get a capture card for the pc as long as the pc has an intel chip set , intel cpu , and ati video , geovision would be good but higher priced , eyemax or isis would be a good mid priced card , please just do not buy from ebay as most cards and software are clones and do not work stable or at all. You can do a search on the internet or use a dealer close to you from this site but please do not support the clone market 9 camera's 7 to 8 fps on motion 500 gig storage 60% usage you are looking at 60 to 90 days or more (just a ruff estimate).

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