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Glass for CCTV

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Hi I need to place a camera "undecover" and I need to place it behind a Mirror


Is there some recomendation or specification for a mirror that has a good performance in one side reflecting and the other side passing a good light


thanks a Lot

Luis S S

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If you want to do it on a budget then use window tinting that has the mirror effect, and put it on regular glass.


The side that has the light will have the mirror.


If you put this on a plate glass window on your house then at night when you look out you will see a mirror, but the people outside can see into your house just fine!


During the day this is the opposite. You look at the house, and the window looks like a mirror, but you can see out just fine!



Make sure the camera side of the glass is in the dark. If this is in the light, and you still have to have the mirror then you need to contact a glass shop in your area.

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