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How should I set the sensitivity for the motion sensors

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I have a SVAT Quad unit that I'm trying to adjust for motion sensing. I've got the areas down pretty good but how should I set the sensitivity? Should I set the numbers lower or higher?



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higher sensitivity = more recording


This depends entirely on the scene in question, most of my entry/exit cams are within 60" of the target. As such I set sensitivity very low because one someone is in view of the camera they take up the majority of the video feed.

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I'm using video tape (haven't found a dvr system as yet..still researching) so the amount of recording is irrelevant as it's recording everything. I just want it to pick up movement down even a cat or dog.

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It all comes down to what percentage of the video feed changes, the greater the percentage the lower you can set sensitivity.


Assuming a wide angle lens.


If you want to capture a cat from 100' away you might as well just record 24/7 as it will be so sensitive it will be recording 24/7 anyway.


Also a cat from 100' away will be basically a fuzzy spot and not really recognizable as a cat.


Percentage of the video feed is all most of what we do comes down to.

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