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Simple question (please forgive me).

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Could you please tell me how to connect the cameras to the DVR? What about the power supply line (Siamese cable), where does its goes? Does its go to the DVR, or power supply??? Please don't flame me for being ignorant on this... I'm trying to learns how to do it correctly. Thanks again.

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Generally you will take one end of the cable and connect it to a BNC in. Now some will have a pigtail connector, some will have hard point connectors. It's going to vary by the DVR. The power lines on the cable would be run to the power supply.


Generally we don't flame much here, so feel free to ask what every questions you want.

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Thanks Thomas...Okay...got it about the bcn connectors to the dvr...power supply go to the power supply of the dvr?or go to a seperate power supply that not part of the dvr. What if i'm using the bullet cameras (speco) does it come with cable already or do i have to connect cable, power supply to the camera and then to dvr ??? sorry for such simple questions. Thanks.

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Generally it would be to a seperate power supply. A little box the plugs into the wall and has screw down terminals. Most cameras don't come with cable, and if you're going to cut your own cable then you will want to make sure you get extra cable and BNC's to crimp on.


Are you looking to do this for yourself?

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Hi Thomas...Yes, I will try to do it myself. The area where im at, there are not too many place/person doing this...Those that do, just cost too much for inferior product . So I will try to do it myself if possible by learning as much as I could. Thanks again.

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Where are you at, I may be able to recomend some installers. It's been my general impression that those who do it themselves are almost never happy with the outcome.

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Hi Thomas and DVR Expert...I understand that it is generally better if the professional do the installation because that's what they do for a living. I'm a professional by trade and I understood that perfectly. Nevertheless, I have had several bad experiences with "professional" in my area that I decided then that if I can do it myself (learn how to, take it 1 step at a time), I will. Don't misunderstood me, I have been reading alot of what you all said from this forum (Rory, Thomas, DVR_Expert, AVCOUNSULTANT... and you are all professional and I do respect your knowledge and skill. I wish that you guys were here so that I could entrust my simple project with your excellent skills. Thomas I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana. Thanks again.

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