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Is there an 9 channel dvr that can have multiple ir sensors

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What i want to do is be able to control my dvr from more than just one room with the dvr remote.What kind of ir repeater do i need to purchase?The dvr i am looking at comes with a external ir sensor that plugs into the back, but it will not suit my needs.I need a 3 sensor one flasher setup.The systems i've come across on line are all 1 sensor and 3 or 4 flasher setup.

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Well peeps i found what i was looking for from a company called Niles.The model is MSU250.They specialize in home audio/video products.The 2 input hub is only about 90.00 bucks.I only need a 2 hub since the dvr already comes with one external sensor.The killer is that each sensor is between 119-129 bucks!!

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Okay now i'm a little confused.In looking at the Xantech site,i would think i need a 2 zone connecting block for 2 separate ir targets.When i look at parts expresses site,they sell a wired home single block that can have up to 15 targets wired into it thru one terminal block with up to 4 emitters coming out.So why would i need to have a block that has separate zones when i will be only using it to control my one dvr from multiple rooms?

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Each room where you are going to have an "eye" to see your IR remote control can be treated as a "zone".


You can conbine several "zones" to control one item such as your DVR.


Depending on how you "design" the system you may want to use something like this




Now you will need to combine several "eyes" to control your DVR.



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Okay i understand..I was just trying to see the reasoning behind having a ir hub block with several independant zones over having a single zone block with several ir targets wire into it.I'm going to go with 3 micro link target heads and install them in my ceilings,and wire them all back into the ZC21 and have my two outer rooms on zone one and the last room by itself on zone 2.

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That should work.


Putting them in the ceiling is great as it avoids the sunlight coming through the window, and creating havoc with stray ir.


I hope the position in the ceiling is good to prevent ackward positioning of the hand with the remote when making changes.


You could eliminate the ZC21, but I would not recommend it.


You may want to try a pretrial before you install it to make sure it does what you want it to.


I recommend devices that flash an led back at you to let you know that it received the "commands" from the hand held remote control. A great trouble shooting tool, as the batteries can go dead, or the emitter can fall of the DVR, or the DVR could lock up after an "electrical issue" such as lightning ect.


Sounds like a fun project.

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Thanks Scorpion.The Xantech micro heads do have a talk back led.I was deciding between the Xantech micros and the Niles MS210 which is a micro surface mount,but has wide angle reception and a blue led that isn't housed in the ir target lens head like the Xantech micro.

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That will be $200 an hour please!


Thank you very much!

Good thing i have some know how,i couldn't afford to eat and pay those prices..

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