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I know it's been covered, and I have talked to rory about in the past.


Got a client that wants to put cameras in the nightclub he owns, I know that B/W cameras are what's called here, but this hard headed ...........

wants color. He sees it as there are so many people in the club at a time, (350-500) he wants to indentify people by the color clothes they are wearing.


Would like a nice color bullet or dome camera that has the lowest lux level that can see in this situation, as there will be some lighting, there are no smoke, no strobe lights, this is a tropical music club so there won't be all that jumping around found in other clubs


These I will like to use also as register cameras so that we can have them zoomed on the registers (4 of them) and see the money put in. I explained to him that I cannot guarantee that the monetary value would be seen by the camera.


I'm willing to try a couple before I commit to order them, as I'm getting a total of 10 cameras.


They gotta be varifocals also.


what do you guys recommend?


Thank You in advance.


PS: I'm trying to keep cost low, I had to lowball this quote, times are hard right now, but somehow people are still clubbing

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CX 550 My Favorite Used Many and will use more! Get a nice fujinon lense for best result. or cx 580mdvai-(Dome),May not be cost effective,but good camera best pricing at northern V.

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I have a customer that i have been experimenting with his night club, I have tested almost every kind of camera there from bullets to domes but the best one i could find was a pelco box camera.

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  Securitymaster said:
Between Speco and Arm Electronics, does anyone recommed any particular model number?


The CX550 series are going to be your best bet there.


The CX580 series if you want a dome camera. While I think the 580TVL is BS, it is a very nice lowlight dome.


The new CX520BCVF bullets are pretty nice too, though the Day/Night version is not a true day/night.

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All of these versions are color only. They will not switch to B&W(which I think is what your looking for.)


Box camera - CX550

Indoor Dome camera - CX580MDVAI

(Also available in a 2.6-6mm option: CX580MD2VAI)

Bullet - CX520BCVF

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so for bars would you guys recommend cameras that switch to black and white? Most owners want color all the time.. when we want clarity all the time.



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If that's what the customer wants, then give it to them. You can also hook up a day/night in a different part of the bar and show them the difference. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you out with.

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